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[해외논문] Fe3O4VoidMicroporous Organic Polymer-Based Multifunctional Drug Delivery Systems: Targeting, Imaging, and Magneto-Thermal Behaviors

ACS applied materials & interfaces, v.12 no.33, 2020년, pp.37628 - 37636  

Kim, Da Hye (Department of Biomedical-Chemical Engineering , The Catholic University of Korea , Bucheon 14662 , Korea) ,  Kim, Dong Wook (Department of Chemistry , Sungkyunkwan University , Suwon 16419 , Korea) ,  Jang, June Young (Department of Chemistry , Sungkyunkwan University , Suwon 16419 , Korea) ,  Lee, Nahyun (Center of Correlated Electron Systems, Institute for Basic Science , Seoul National University , Seoul 08826 , Korea) ,  Ko, Yoon-Joo (Laboratory of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, National Center for Inter-University Research Facilities (NCIRF) , Seoul National University , Seoul 08826 , Korea) ,  Lee, Sang Moon (Korea Basic Science Institute , Daejeon 34133 , Korea) ,  Kim, Hae Jin (Korea Basic Science Institute , Daejeon 34133 , Korea) ,  Na, Kun ,  Son, Seung Uk

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Multifunctional drug delivery systems were designed and engineered by template synthesis of a microporous organic polymer (MOP) and by postsynthetic modification. Hollow MOP spheres bearing Fe3O4 yolks (Fe3O4@Void@MOP) were prepared by the synthesis of MOP on Fe3O4@SiO2 nanoparticles and by successi...


참고문헌 (70)

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  36. Cho, Kyoungil, Lee, Sang Moon, Kim, Hae Jin, Ko, Yoon‐Joo, Kang, Eun Joo, Son, Seung Uk. Iron Coordination to Hollow Microporous Metal‐Free Disalphen Networks: Heterogeneous Iron Catalysts for CO2 Fixation to Cyclic Carbonates. Chemistry : a European journal, vol.26, no.4, 788-794.

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  38. KimThese authors contributed equally to this work., Myung Hyun, Choi, Jaewon, Ko, Kyoung Chul, Cho, Kyoungil, Park, Ji Hoon, Lee, Sang Moon, Kim, Hae Jin, Ko, Yoon-Joo, Lee, Jin Yong, Son, Seung Uk. Network-controlled unique reactivities of carbonyl groups in hollow and microporous organic polymer. Chemical communications : Chem comm, vol.54, no.40, 5134-5137.

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  41. ChoiThese authors contributed equally to this work., Jaewon, Kim, Eui Soon, Ko, Ju Hong, Lee, Sang Moon, Kim, Hae Jin, Ko, Yoon-Joo, Son, Seung Uk. Hollow and microporous triphenylamine networks post-modified with TCNE for enhanced organocathode performance. Chemical communications : Chem comm, vol.53, no.62, 8778-8781.

  42. Kim, Jong Gil, Cha, Min Chul, Lee, Jeongmin, Choi, Taejin, Chang, Ji Young. Preparation of a Sulfur-Functionalized Microporous Polymer Sponge and In Situ Growth of Silver Nanoparticles: A Compressible Monolithic Catalyst. ACS applied materials & interfaces, vol.9, no.43, 38081-38088.

  43. Islamoglu, Timur, Kim, Tong, Kahveci, Zafer, El-Kadri, Oussama M., El-Kaderi, Hani M.. Systematic Postsynthetic Modification of Nanoporous Organic Frameworks for Enhanced CO2 Capture from Flue Gas and Landfill Gas. The journal of physical chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and Interfaces, vol.120, no.5, 2592-2599.

  44. Chen, Dongyang, Liu, Cheng, Tang, Juntao, Luo, Linfeng, Yu, Guipeng. Fluorescent porous organic polymers. Polymer chemistry, vol.10, no.10, 1168-1181.

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  49. Kang, Narae, Park, Ji Hoon, Jin, Mingshi, Park, Nojin, Lee, Sang Moon, Kim, Hae Jin, Kim, Ji Man, Son, Seung Uk. Microporous Organic Network Hollow Spheres: Useful Templates for Nanoparticulate Co3O4 Hollow Oxidation Catalysts. Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol.135, no.51, 19115-19118.

  50. Chun, Jiseul, Kang, Sungah, Park, Nojin, Park, Eun Ji, Jin, Xing, Kim, Kwang-Dae, Seo, Hyun Ook, Lee, Sang Moon, Kim, Hae Jin, Kwon, Woo Hyun, Park, Young-Kwon, Kim, Ji Man, Kim, Young Dok, Son, Seung Uk. Metal–Organic Framework@Microporous Organic Network: Hydrophobic Adsorbents with a Crystalline Inner Porosity. Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol.136, no.19, 6786-6789.

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  53. Wang, Zhifang, Chang, Jing, Hu, Yuchen, Yu, Yifu, Guo, Yamei, Zhang, Bin. Water‐dispersible Hollow Microporous Organic Network Spheres as Substrate for Electroless Deposition of Ultrafine Pd Nanoparticles with High Catalytic Activity and Recyclability. Chemistry, an Asian journal, vol.11, no.22, 3178-3182.

  54. Kiskan, Baris, Weber, Jens. Versatile Postmodificationof Conjugated MicroporousPolymers Using Thiol-yne Chemistry. ACS Macro letters, vol.1, no.1, 37-40.

  55. Han, Xiaoli, Xu, Meiyun, Yang, Sen, Qian, Jun, Hua, Daoben. Acetylcysteine-functionalized microporous conjugated polymers for potential separation of uranium from radioactive effluents. Journal of materials chemistry. A, Materials for energy and sustainability, vol.5, no.10, 5123-5128.

  56. Karamipour, Sh., Sadjadi, M.S., Farhadyar, N.. Fabrication and spectroscopic studies of folic acid-conjugated Fe3O4&n.diameter;u core-shell for targeted drug delivery application. Spectrochimica acta. Part A, Molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy, vol.148, 146-155.

  57. Hervault, Aziliz, Thanh, Nguyễn Thị Kim. Magnetic nanoparticle-based therapeutic agents for thermo-chemotherapy treatment of cancer. Nanoscale, vol.6, no.20, 11553-11573.

  58. Thiesen, Burghard, Jordan, Andreas. Clinical applications of magnetic nanoparticles for hyperthermia. International journal of hyperthermia : the official journal of European Society for Hyperthermic Oncology, North American Hyperthermia Group, vol.24, no.6, 467-474.

  59. Cho, Kyoungil, Lee, Sang Moon, Kim, Hae Jin, Ko, Yoon-Joo, Son, Seung Uk. A one building block approach for defect-enhanced conjugated microporous polymers: defect utilization for recyclable and catalytic biomass conversion. Journal of materials chemistry. A, Materials for energy and sustainability, vol.6, no.32, 15553-15557.

  60. Chae, Su Kyung, Cho, Kyoungil, Lee, Sang Moon, Kim, Hae Jin, Ko, Yoon-Joo, Son, Seung Uk. AB2 polymerization on hollow microporous organic polymers: engineering of solid acid catalysts for the synthesis of soluble cellulose derivatives. Polymer chemistry, vol.11, no.4, 789-794.

  61. JangThese authors contributed equally., June Young, Duong, Huu Thuy Trang, Lee, Sang Moon, Kim, Hae Jin, Ko, Yoon-Joo, Jeong, Ji Hoon, Lee, Doo Sung, Thambi, Thavasyappan, Son, Seung Uk. Folate decorated hollow spheres of microporous organic networks as drug delivery materials. Chemical communications : Chem comm, vol.54, no.29, 3652-3655.

  62. Lee, Doo Hun, Ko, Kyoung Chul, Ko, Ju Hong, Kang, Shin Young, Lee, Sang Moon, Kim, Hae Jin, Ko, Yoon-Joo, Lee, Jin Yong, Son, Seung Uk. In Situ Water-Compatible Polymer Entrapment: A Strategy for Transferring Superhydrophobic Microporous Organic Polymers to Water. ACS Macro letters, vol.7, no.6, 651-655.

  63. Roca, Alejandro G., Gutiérrez, Lucía, Gavilán, Helena, Fortes Brollo, Maria Eugênia, Veintemillas-Verdaguer, Sabino, Morales, María del Puerto. Design strategies for shape-controlled magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles. Advanced drug delivery reviews, vol.138, 68-104.

  64. Yang, Wen Jing, Zhao, Tingting, Zhou, Peng, Chen, Simou, Gao, Yu, Liang, Lijun, Wang, Xiaodong, Wang, Lianhui. “Click” functionalization of dual stimuli-responsive polymer nanocapsules for drug delivery systems. Polymer chemistry, vol.8, no.20, 3056-3065.

  65. Zhu, Yufang, Fang, Ying, Kaskel, Stefan. Folate-Conjugated Fe3O4@SiO2 Hollow Mesoporous Spheres for Targeted Anticancer Drug Delivery. The journal of physical chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and Interfaces, vol.114, no.39, 16382-16388.

  66. Wang, Haibo, Liu, Gongyan. Advances in luminescent materials with aggregation-induced emission (AIE) properties for biomedical applications. Journal of materials chemistry. B, Materials for biology and medicine, vol.6, no.24, 4029-4042.

  67. Shi, Haibin, Kwok, Ryan T. K., Liu, Jianzhao, Xing, Bengang, Tang, Ben Zhong, Liu, Bin. Real-Time Monitoring of Cell Apoptosis and Drug Screening Using Fluorescent Light-Up Probe with Aggregation-Induced Emission Characteristics. Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol.134, no.43, 17972-17981.

  68. Yu, Yunlong, Chen, Yun, Huang, Jingsheng, Wang, Liang, Gu, Zhongwei, Zhang, Shiyong. Redox-responsive tetraphenylethylene-buried crosslinked vesicles for enhanced drug loading and efficient drug delivery monitoring. Journal of materials chemistry. B, Materials for biology and medicine, vol.7, no.47, 7540-7547.

  69. Abenojar, E.C., Wickramasinghe, S., Bas-Concepcion, J., Samia, A.C.S.. Structural effects on the magnetic hyperthermia properties of iron oxide nanoparticles. Progress in natural science : communication of state key laboratories of China, vol.26, no.5, 440-448.

  70. Banobre-Lopez, M., Teijeiro, A., Rivas, J.. Magnetic nanoparticle-based hyperthermia for cancer treatment. Reports of practical oncology and radiotherapy: journal of Greatpoland Cancer Center in Poznán and Polish Society of Radiation Oncology, vol.18, no.6, 397-400.


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