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[해외논문] Organic Reaction Monitoring of a Glycine Derivative Using Signal Amplification by Reversible Exchange-Hyperpolarized Benchtop Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

Analytical chemistry, v.92 no.16, 2020년, pp.10902 - 10907  

Chae, Heelim (Department of Chemistry , Seoul Women’s University , Seoul 01797 , South Korea) ,  Min, Sein (Department of Chemistry , Seoul Women’s University , Seoul 01797 , South Korea) ,  Jeong, Hye Jin (Department of Chemistry , Korea Military Academy , Seoul 01805 , South Korea) ,  Namgoong, Sung Keon (Department of Chemistry , Seoul Women’s University , Seoul 01797 , South Korea) ,  Oh, Sangwon (Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science , Daejeon 34113 , South Korea) ,  Kim, Kiwoong ,  Jeong, Keunhong

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Currently, signal amplification by reversible exchange (SABRE) using para-hydrogen is an attractive method of hyperpolarization for overcoming the sensitivity problems of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Additionally, SABRE, using the spin order of para-hydrogen, can be applied in reac...

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