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[해외논문] The Development of the Latino Social Work Profession in Los Angeles

Research on social work practice, v.11 no.2, 2001년, pp.254 - 265  

Aranda, María P. (University of Southern California)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This article examines the development of the Latino social work profession in the Los Angeles, California, area using an organizational case study. More specifically, the article will focus on the Mexican American/Chicano experience of community organizing and its relevance to the development of the...

참고문헌 (18)

  1. Occupied America: A history of Chicanos Acuña, R. 1988 

  2. Social work in the 21st century Austin, D. 396 1996 

  3. Burgos Ortíz, N. M. (1998). Pioneras de al profesión de trabajo social en Puerto Rico . Hato Rey, Puerto Rico: Publicaciones Puertorriqueñas. 

  4. Community social work practice in an urban context: The potential of a capacity-enhancement perspective Delgado, M. 2000 

  5. The evolution of USC social work education Feldman, F. L. 1996 

  6. Strategies of community organization Garvin, C. D. 26 1987 4 

  7. 10.4135/9781483326405.n22 

  8. Social Work Gutiérrez, L. 501 41 1996 

  9. The political socialization of the Mexican American people Guzmán, R. 1976 

  10. Mutual aid for survival: The case of the Mexican American Hernández, J. A. 1983 

  11. The Chicanos: Life and struggles of the Mexican minority in the United States López y Rivas, G. 1973 

  12. Community organizing in a diverse society Montiel, M. 43 1995 

  13. Hispanics in the United States Moore, J. 1985 

  14. A documentary history of the Mexican Americans Moquín, W. 1971 

  15. The Los Angeles Times Olivo, A. B1 1999 

  16. Vourlekis, B. S., Edinburg, G., Knee, R.. The Rise of Social Work in Public Mental Health through Aftercare of People with Serious Mental Illness. Social work, vol.43, no.6, 567-757.

  17. Seda Rodriguez, R. M. (1997). Evolución y proyecciones de la práctica del trabajo social. In Memoria de la Décima Conferencia Conmemorativa Dorothy Dulles Bourne. Evolución y proyecciones de la práctica del trabajo social: Tendencias y desafíos (pp. 5-19). Río Piedras, Puerto Rico: Universidad de Puerto Rico, Escuela Graduada de Trabajo Social Beatriz Lassalle. 

  18. Theory and practice of community social work Solomon, B. 1985 

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