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[해외논문] The ‘tight gas’ challenge: appraisal results from the Devonian of Algeria

Petroleum geoscience, v.7 no.1, 2001년, pp.13 - 21  

Hirst, J. P. P. (BP Amoco Exploration, Chertsey Road, Sunbury-on-Thames, TW16 7LN, UK (e-mail: )) ,  Davis, N. (BP Amoco Exploration, Chertsey Road, Sunbury-on-Thames, TW16 7LN, UK (e-mail: )) ,  Palmer, A. F. (BP Amoco Exploration, Chertsey Road, Sunbury-on-Thames, TW16 7LN, UK (e-mail: )) ,  Achache, D. (Sonatrach, Avenue du 1re Novembre, 35000 Boumerdè) ,  Riddiford, F. A. (s, Algeria)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Projected future increases in Algerian gas production will, in part, come from more complex reservoirs within the Ahnet-Timimoun Basin; here, conventional quality reservoirs (>1 mD) are interbedded with volumetrically significant, low permeability sandstones (<1 mD) - the ‘tight gas’ san...

참고문헌 (7)

  1. Achache D. Davis N. Hirst P. Palmer A.F. Riddiford F.A. 1998. The tight gas challenge. Paper SPE 39936. 

  2. Les Grés du Paléozoi que Inférieuir au Sahara Beuf S. 1971 Beuf S., Biju-Duval B., de Charpal O., Rognon P., Gariel O., Bennacef A. 1971. Les Grés du Paléozoi que Inférieuir au Sahara. Editions Technip, Paris. 

  3. Petroleum Geology of North Africa Logan P. 131 1998 Logan P., Duddy I. 1998. An investigation of the thermal history of the Ahnet and Reggane Basins, Central Algeria, and the consequences for hydrocarbon generation and accumulation. In: , Macgregor D.S., Moody R.T.J., Clarke-Lowes D.D. (eds) Petroleum Geology of North Africa. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 132, 131- 155. 

  4. Petroleum Geology of North Africa Macgregor D.S. 79 1998 Macgregor D.S. 1998. Giant fields, petroleum systems and exploration maturity of Algeria. In: , Macgregor D.S., Moody R.T.J., Clarke-Lowes D.D. (eds) Petroleum Geology of North Africa. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 132, 79- 96. 

  5. AAPG Memoir Magloire P.R. 489 14 1970 Triassic Gas Field of Hassi R’Mel, Algeria. Geology of Giant Petroleum Fields Magloire P.R. 1970. Triassic Gas Field of Hassi R’Mel, Algeria. Geology of Giant Petroleum Fields. AAPG Memoir, 14, 489- 501. 

  6. 1995 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition Myers K.J. 1995 Myers K.J., Hirst J.P.P., Arezki A., Belmecheri A., Sentouh R. 1995. Sequence stratigraphy and depositional environments on a Palaeozoic clastic ramp margin, Ahnet-Timimoun Basin, Algeria. 1995 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, 10-13 September, Nice, France, offcial programme, 48A. 

  7. Petroleum Geology of North Africa Traut M.W. 69 1998 Traut M.W., Boote D.R.D., Clarke-Lowes D.D. 1998. Exploration history of the Palaeozoic petroleum systems. In: , Macgregor D.S., Moody R.T.J., Clarke-Lowes D.D. (eds) Petroleum Geology of North Africa. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 132, 69- 78. 

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