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[해외논문] The effect of cardiovascular health promotion on health behaviors in elementary school children: An integrative review

Journal of pediatric nursing, v.15 no.6, 2000년, pp.343 - 355  

Nicholson, Suzanne O. (Northern Illinois University, IL.)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractThis report provides on an integrative review of health promotion studies relevant to elementary school children published between 1986 and 1998. The 22 research articles represented several disciplines including public health and nursing. The studies varied in research design, sample charac...

참고문헌 (39)

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  2. Health Education Blomquist 17 3 8 1986 10.1080/00970050.1986.10615924 Modeling and health behavior: Strategies for prevention in the schools 

  3. Journal of Pediatrics Burke 133 2 206 1998 10.1016/S0022-3476(98)70221-5 Parental smoking and risk factors for cardiovascular disease in 10- to 12-year-old children 

  4. Health Education Quarterly Bush 16 2 215 1989 10.1177/109019818901600206 Cardiovascular risk factor prevention in black school children: The “Know Your Body” evaluation project 

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  11. Journal of School Health Ferguson 59 3 112 1989 10.1111/j.1746-1561.1989.tb04675.x Attitudes, knowledge, and beliefs as predictors of exercise intent and behavior in schoolchildren 

  12. Research in Nursing and Health Ford-Gilboe 20 3 205 1997 10.1002/(SICI)1098-240X(199706)20:3<205::AID-NUR4>3.0.CO;2-M Family strengths, motivation, and resources as predictors of health promotion behavior in single-parent and two-parent families 

  13. Journal of Health Education Gans 25 2 89 1994 10.1080/10556699.1994.10603009 Implementation and institutionalization of heart health programming in schools: The Pawtucket Heart Health Program experience 

  14. Journal of Advanced Nursing Gillis 18 3 345 1993 10.1046/j.1365-2648.1993.18030345.x Determinants of a health-promoting lifestyle: An integrative review 

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  16. Preventive Medicine Hansen 17 135 1988 10.1016/0091-7435(88)90059-X Affective and social influences approaches to prevention of multiple substance abuse among seventh grade students: Results from Project SMART 

  17. Journal of School Nursing Howard 12 4 4 1996 10.1177/105984059601200402 A cardiovascular risk reduction program for the classroom 

  18. Journal of School Health Kelder 63 5 218 1993 10.1111/j.1746-1561.1993.tb06125.x Community-wide youth exercise promotion: Long-term outcomes of the Minnesota Heart Health Program and the Class of 1989 Study 

  19. Journal of Nutrition Education Lytle 27 5 250 1995 10.1016/S0022-3182(12)80793-X Changing the diet of America's children: What works and why? 

  20. Journal of School Health McIntyre 66 4 132 1996 10.1111/j.1746-1561.1996.tb08233.x The Dartmouth Health Promotion Study: A failed quest for synergy in school health promotion 

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  22. Health Education Quarterly Nader 16 2 229 1989 10.1177/109019818901600207 A family approach to cardiovascular risk reduction: Results from the San Diego Family Health Project 

  23. Journal of Pediatric Health Nelms 9 197 198 1995 Children first: Is it ever going to happen? 

  24. Health Education Quarterly Parcel 16 2 181 1989 10.1177/109019818901600204 School promotion of healthful diet and physical activity: Impact of learning outcomes and self-reported behavior 

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  26. Health Education and Behavior Perry 24 6 716 1997 10.1177/109019819702400607 The child and adolescent trial for cardiovascular health (CATCH): Intervention, implementation, and feasibility for elementary schools in the United States 

  27. Journal of School Health Perry 60 8 406 1990 10.1111/j.1746-1561.1990.tb05960.x School-based cardiovascular health promotion: The child and adolescent trial for cardiovascular health (CATCH) 

  28. Health Education Quarterly Perry 16 2 171 1989 10.1177/109019818901600203 Parent involvement with children's health promotion: A one-year follow-up of the Minnesota Home Team 

  29. Health Education Quarterly Petchers 14 4 449 1987 10.1177/109019818701400405 The impact of parent participation on the effectiveness of a heart health curriculum 

  30. Health Education Petersen-Martin 18 5 6 1987 10.1080/00970050.1987.10614513 Self-concept, values, and health behavior 

  31. Journal of Community Practice Poole 4 2 77 1997 10.1300/J125v04n02_06 Achieving national health goals in prevention with community organization: The “bottom up” approach 

  32. Public Health Nursing Purath 12 3 189 1995 10.1111/j.1525-1446.1995.tb00008.x Cardiac risk evaluation for elementary school children 

  33. Health Education Research Quine 7 2 259 1992 10.1093/her/7.2.259 A role for drug awareness and prevention programs external to school? 

  34. Cardiovascular Surgery Shively 6 3 215 1998 American Heart Association 70th Scientific Sessions 

  35. Health Education Journal Tudor-Smith 54 393 404 1995 Life education centres: An evaluation of a mobile health education resource in Wales for children 

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  37. Journal of Pediatric Nursing Velsor-Friedrich 6 1 62 1991 Health goals for children and families 

  38. Health Education Quarterly Walter 16 2 201 1989 10.1177/109019818901600205 Primary prevention of chronic disease among children: The school-based “Know Your Body” intervention trials 

  39. Advances in Nursing Science Whitener 20 3 21 1998 10.1097/00012272-199803000-00005 Use of theory to guide nurses in the design of health messages for children 

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