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[해외논문] Use of Black English and Racial Discrimination in Urban Housing Markets : New Methods and Findings

Urban affairs review, v.36 no.4, 2001년, pp.452 - 469  

Massey, Douglas S. (University of Pennsylvania) ,  Lundy, Garvey

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The authors argue that racial discrimination in housing markets need not involve personal contact between agents and renters. Research indicates that Americans can infer race from speech patterns alone, thus offering rental agents an opportunity to discriminate over the phone. To test this hypothesi...

참고문헌 (15)

  1. Experimental and quasi-experimental designs for research Campbell, D. T. 1966 

  2. Doss, Richard C., Gross, Alan M.. The Effects of Black English and Code-Switching on Intraracial Perceptions. The journal of black psychology, vol.20, no.3, 282-293.

  3. Residential apartheid: The American legacy Feagin, J. R. 17 1994 

  4. Living with racism: the black middle-class experience Feagin, J. R. 1994 

  5. Clear and convincing evidence: Measurement of discrimination in America Fix, M. 1 1992 

  6. Galster, George. Racial Discrimination in Housing Markets during the 1980s: A Review of the Audit Evidence. Journal of planning education and research, vol.9, no.3, 165-175.

  7. Clear and convincing evidence: Measurement of discrimination in America Heckman, J. J. 187 1992 

  8. American apartheid: Segregation and the making of the underclass Massey, D. S. 1993 

  9. Fair housing comes of age Metcalf, G. R. 1988 

  10. Purnell, Thomas, Idsardi, William, Baugh, John. Perceptual and Phonetic Experiments on American English Dialect Identification. Journal of language and social psychology, vol.18, no.1, 10-30.

  11. Housing discrimination study: Methodology and data documentation Urban Institute 1991 

  12. American Economic Review Yinger, J. 991 76 1986 

  13. Measuring discrimination in housing availability: Final research report to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Yinger, J. 1989 

  14. Clear and convincing evidence: Measurement of discrimination in America Yinger, J. 69 1993 

  15. Closed doors, opportunities lost: The continuing costs of housing discrimination Yinger, J. 1995 

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