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[해외논문] Alternatively Spliced α1G (CaV3.1) Intracellular Loops Promote Specific T-Type Ca2+ Channel Gating Properties 원문보기

Biophysical journal, v.80 no.3, 2001년, pp.1238 - 1250  

Chemin, J. ,  Monteil, A. ,  Bourinet, E. ,  Nargeot, J. ,  Lory, P.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

At least three genes encode T-type calcium channel α1 subunits, and identification of cDNA transcripts provided evidence that molecular diversity of these channels can be further enhanced by alternative splicing mechanisms, especially for the α1G subunit (CaV3.1). Using whole-cell patch-...

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