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NTIS 바로가기Materials transactions, JIM, v.41 no.11, 2000년, pp.1545 - 1549
Matsumoto, Akihiro (Materials Processing Department, National Industrial Research Institute of Nagoya) , Kobayashi, Keizo (Materials Processing Department, National Industrial Research Institute of Nagoya) , Takagi, Makoto (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Aichi Institute of Technology) , Imura, Toru (Research Institute for Industrial Technology, Aichi Institute of Technology)
Ti-37.5 at%Si powder mixtures were mechanically alloyed in a planetary ball mill under an argon atmosphere. The powder milled for 180 ks consisted of amorphous and nano-sized titanium and/or silicon grains. Crystallization temperature of the powder was about 780 K. It was consolidated using a cubic-type anvil apparatus under a high hydrostatic pressure of 5.4 GPa (HHPC method). The obtained compact consolidated at below 663 K was fully densified with the retention of amorphous phase, while the compact prepared at above 723 K almost crystallized. The compressive strength of the compact prepared by HHPC method at 623 K was measured to be 2.52 GPa at room temperature. The value was about 0.5 GPa higher than that of the compact prepared by HHPC method at 723 K. It suggests amorphous phase is attributed to toughening of the compact.(Author abstract)
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