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NTIS 바로가기Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, v.45 no.1, 2001년, pp.367 - 368
McGregor, Karen F. (<) , Nolan, Carla (!--label omitted: 1-->) , Young, Hilary-Kay (Department of Biological Sciences) , Palepou, Marie-France I. (<) , Tysall, Luke (!--label omitted: 1-->) , Woodford, Neil (Department of Biological Sciences)
초록이 없습니다.
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Dahl, Kristin Hegstad, Simonsen, Gunnar Skov, Olsvik, Ørjan, Sundsfjord, Arnfinn. Heterogeneity in the vanB Gene Cluster of Genomically Diverse Clinical Strains of Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, vol.43, no.5, 1105-1110.
Dahl, Kristin H., Lundblad, Eirik W., Røkenes, Torunn P., Olsvik, Ørjan, Sundsfjord, Arnfinn. Genetic linkage of the vanB2 gene cluster to Tn5382 in vancomycin-resistant enterococci and characterization of two novel insertion sequences GenBank and GenPept accession numbers are given in Table 3 T3 .. Microbiology, vol.146, no.6, 1469-1479.
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Hanrahan, Jennifer, Hoyen, Claudia, Rice, Louis B.. Geographic Distribution of a Large Mobile Element That Transfers Ampicillin and Vancomycin Resistance between Enterococcus faecium Strains. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, vol.44, no.5, 1349-1351.
McGregor, K. F., Young, H.-K.. Identification and Characterization of vanB2 Glycopeptide Resistance Elements in Enterococci Isolated in Scotland. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, vol.44, no.9, 2341-2348.
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Patel, Robin, Uhl, Jim R., Kohner, Peggy, Hopkins, Marlene K., Steckelberg, James M., Kline, Bruce, Cockerill III, Franklin R.. DNA Sequence Variation within vanA , vanB , vanC-1 , and vanC-2/3 Genes of Clinical Enterococcus Isolates. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, vol.42, no.1, 202-205.
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