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[해외논문] System function implementation and behavioral modeling: A systems theoretic approach

Systems engineering : the journal of the International Council on Systems Engineering, v.4 no.1, 2001년, pp.58 - 75  

Shell, Tony (DarkLake Synectics, 15 Coppers Park, Plymouth PL6 7SJ, Devon, United Kingdom)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Systems theory is now a mature part of the discipline of general systems engineering science, with a substantial amount of research effort having been undertaken in the last 40 years—however, there is still very little evidence of the widespread practical use of systems-theoretic methods withi...

참고문헌 (17)

  1. Bahill and Discovering system requirements, http://www.sie.arizona.edu/sysengr/requirements. 

  2. Bahill 1996 and What is systems engineering? A consensus of senior systems engineers, INCOSE, Proc 6th Annu Int Symp, Boston, MA, (1996), pp. 503-508. 

  3. Embedded real-time systems, a specification and design methodology Calvez 1993 Embedded real-time systems, a specification and design methodology, Wiley, New York, (1993). 

  4. CNES/ESA, Board of Inquiry Report on ARIANE-501, Paris, July 1996. 

  5. The inmates are running the asylum Cooper 1999 10.1007/978-3-322-99786-9_1 The inmates are running the asylum, Macmillan Computer Publishing, Indianapolis, IN, (1999). 

  6. 1997 EIA, Standard 632-1, Process for engineering a system, Part 1: Process characteristics, July 1997. 

  7. Fertig 1977 and A mathematical foundation for systems synthesis, Proc 1st Int Conf Appl Gen Syst Res, 1977, pp. 209-224. 

  8. Digital control of dynamic systems Franklin 1980 and Digital control of dynamic systems, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, (1980). 

  9. Flight International Furniss 31 23 1996 

  10. A rigorous method for formal requirements definition Garcia 401 1995 and A rigorous method for formal requirements definition, 5th Int Symp, INCOSE, St. Louis, MS, (1995), pp. 401-406. 

  11. People and ideas in theoretical computer science Goguen 93 1999 ?Tossing algebraic flowers down to the great divide?, People and ideas in theoretical computer science, (Editor), Springer-Verlag, Singapore, (1999), pp. 93-129. 

  12. Int J Gen Syst Klir 25 179 1996 10.1080/03081079608945147 

  13. Korn 1997 Problem of identity of systems engineering, INCOSE (UK) Symp, 1997, pp. 73-83. 

  14. An introduction to dynamics and control Richards 1979 An introduction to dynamics and control, Longman Group, London, (1979). 

  15. Shell 1999 Function based design of complex, complicated systems, 9th Int Symp INCOSE, Brighton, (1999), pp. 263-270. 

  16. Linear systems theory Szidarovszky 1992 and Linear systems theory, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, (1992). 

  17. Model based systems engineering Wymore 1993 Model based systems engineering, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, (1993). 

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