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[해외논문] Investigations of impact ionization phenomena in advanced transistors and speed-power improvement of BiMOS SRAM cells based on reverse base current effect

Microelectronics reliability, v.41 no.2, 2001년, pp.219 - 228  

Bubennikov, Alexander N (Department of Physical and Quantum Electronics, Hi-Tech Centre, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University), 9, Institutsky, MIPT, Dolgoprudny 141700, Russian Federation) ,  Zykov, Andrey V (Corresponding author)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractThe experimental investigations of base reverse current of integrated Si polysilicon emitter bipolar transistor and its multiplication coefficients (M−1) vs. Ucb at different IE when the device is driven at constant emitter currents are represented. Current crowding effect induced by ...

참고문헌 (12)

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  7. IEEE Trans Electron Dev Reisch ED-39 1398 1992 10.1109/16.137320 On bistable behavior and open-base breakdown of bipolar transistors in the avalanche regime - modeling and applications 

  8. Bubennikov A, Kobosev G. Quasistatic methods for measuring the emitter, collector and base resistances in advanced bipolar transistors. Proc Baltic Electronics Conf, 1996. p. 117-20 

  9. Grove 1967 Physics and technology of semiconductor devices 

  10. Electron design Herbert 6 117 1991 SPICE2 models BJT breakdown 

  11. Bubennikov A, Zykov A. Simulation of Advanced Super-Speed BiCMOS Static Memory Cells Based on the Reverse Base Current Effect of Avalanche Transistor. Proc Baltic Electronics Conf, 1998. p. 63-7 

  12. 10.1049/ip-cds:19960144 Verzellesi C, et al. Spice modelling of impact ionization. IEEE Proc Circ Dev Sys 1996;143:33-40 

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