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[해외논문] A 0.22–0.89 mW Low-Power and Highly-Secure Always-On Face Recognition Processor With Adversarial Attack Prevention

IEEE transactions on circuits and systems. a publication of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society. II, Express briefs, v.67 no.5, 2020년, pp.846 - 850  

Kim, Youngwoo (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, School of Electrical Engineering, Daejeon) ,  Han, Donghyeon (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, School of Electrical Engineering, Daejeon) ,  Kim, Changhyeon (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, School of Electrical Engineering, Daejeon) ,  Yoo, Hoi-Jun (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, School of Electrical Engineering, Daejeon)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

A low-power, highly secure, always-on face recognition (FR) processor is required for security applications. In this brief, a branch net-based early stopping FR (BESF) processor is proposed to prevent adversarial attacks for high security and consume low power for always-on operation. It shows a rec...

참고문헌 (21)

  1. Jeon, Dongsuk, Dong, Qing, Kim, Yejoong, Wang, Xiaolong, Chen, Shuai, Yu, Hao, Blaauw, David, Sylvester, Dennis. A 23-mW Face Recognition Processor with Mostly-Read 5T Memory in 40-nm CMOS. IEEE journal of solid-state circuits, vol.52, no.6, 1628-1642.

  2. 10.1109/VLSIC.2018.8502266 

  3. 10.1109/ISCAS.2019.8702661 

  4. 10.1109/ISCAS.2019.8702698 

  5. Defensive quantization When efficiency meets robustness lin 2019 

  6. MobileFaceNets Efficient CNNs for Accurate Real-Time Face Verification on Mobile Devices[J] chen 2018 

  7. 10.1109/ICB2018.2018.00033 

  8. Labeled faces in the wild: A database for studying face recognition in unconstrained environments huang 2007 

  9. 10.1109/MICRO.2016.7783725 

  10. Certified robustness to adversarial examples with differential privacy lecuyer 2018 

  11. Intriguing properties of neural networks szegedy 2013 

  12. Deep face recognition A survey wang 2018 

  13. 10.1109/CVPR.2019.00790 

  14. On the robustness of semantic segmentation models to adversarial attacks arnab 2017 

  15. Towards deep neural network architectures robust to adversarial examples gu 2014 

  16. 10.1145/2976749.2978392 

  17. 10.1109/ISSCC.2017.7870354 

  18. More Than One Billion Smartphones to Feature Facial Recognition in 2020 naiya 2018 

  19. Defense against universal adversarial perturbations akhtar 2017 

  20. Towards robust neural networks via random self-ensemble liu 2017 

  21. Condo, C., Gross, W.J.. Pseudo-random Gaussian distribution through optimised LFSR permutations. Electronics letters, vol.51, no.25, 2098-2100.


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