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[해외논문] Human Jurkat lymphocytes clones differ in their capacity to support productive human immunodeficiency virus type 1 multiplication

Journal of virological methods, v.92 no.2, 2001년, pp.207 - 213  

Cervantes-Acosta, Guillermo (Dé) ,  Cohen, Éric A. (partement de Microbiologie et Immunologie, Université) ,  Lemay, Guy (de Montré)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractCD4-positive human lymphocytic cell lines are essential tools for the study of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) replication. Jurkat cells are among cells more frequently used for this purpose. In the current study, various cell clones or cells stocks derived from this cell line were shown ...


참고문헌 (22)

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