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[해외논문] Type-independent detection of foot-and-mouth disease virus by monoclonal antibodies that bind to amino-terminal residues of capsid protein VP2

Journal of virological methods, v.92 no.2, 2001년, pp.199 - 205  

Freiberg, B (Bundesforschungsanstalt fü) ,  Höhlich, B (r Viruskrankheiten der Tiere, Paul-Ehrlich-Straß) ,  Haas, B (e 28, D-72076 Tü) ,  Saalmüller, A (bingen, Germany) ,  Pfaff, E (Bundesforschungsanstalt fü) ,  Marquardt, O (r Viruskrankheiten der Tiere, Paul-Ehrlich-Straß)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractThe characterization of monoclonal antibodies raised against the foot-and-mouth disease virus isolates A22 Iraq/1964, Asia1 Shamir-Israel/1989, and SAT1 Zimbabwe/1989 with regard to neutralizing activity and sensitivity of their epitopes for treatment with trypsin, resulted in the identifica...


참고문헌 (24)

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