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[해외논문] Lumber yield optimization software validation and performance review

Robotics and computer-integrated manufacturing, v.17 no.1/2, 2001년, pp.27 - 32  

Buehlmann, Urs (Department of Wood and Paper Science, North Carolina State University, 3036B Biltmore Hall, Raleigh, NC 27695-8003, USA) ,  Edward Thomas, R (USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station, 241 Mercer Springs Road, Princeton, WV 24740, USA)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractExhaustive search algorithms in simulation models are used by the secondary wood industry to find the optimal cutting pattern to cut lumber into dimension parts. Finding the optimum cut-up solution is of paramount importance to the industry for controlling product costs. For this purpose, th...


참고문헌 (24)

  1. Gatchell 146 1985 Eastern Hardwood: the source, the industry, and the market Impact of rough-mill practices on yields 

  2. For Prod J Kline 48 3 38 1998 Performance of color camera-based machine vision system in automated furniture rough mill systems 

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  4. For Prod J Gatchell 47 10 85 1997 Within-grade quality differences for 1 and 2A Common lumber affect processing and yields when gang-ripping red oak lumber 

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  7. For Prod J Carnieri 43 9 66 1993 Optimal cutting of dimension parts from lumber with a defect 

  8. Buehlmann U, Noble Jr R, Kline DE. Lumber yield estimation using the method of least squares. Proceedings of the Conference on Flexible Automation and Integrated Manufacturing (FAIM), Tilburg, NL, 1999. p. 657-73. 

  9. For Prod J Thomas 46 10 61 1996 Prioritizing parts from cutting bills when gang-ripping first 

  10. For Prod J Suter 44 10 19 1994 Rough mill policies and practices examined by a multiple-criteria goal program called ROMGOP 

  11. Wood Fiber Sci Wiedenbeck 26 2 192 1994 System simulation modeling 

  12. Andradottir 307 1998 Handbook of simulation Simulation optimization 

  13. Banks 3 1998 Handbook of simulation Principles of simulation 

  14. For Prod J Thomas 15 7 285 1965 Analysis of yield of dimension stock from standard lumber grades 

  15. Wodzinski C, Hahm E. A computer program to determine yields of lumber. USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, WI, 1966. 

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  17. Stern AR, McDonald KA. Computer optimization of cutting yield from multiple-ripped boards. Research Paper FPL-318. USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, WI, 1978. 

  18. For Prod J Brunner 39 2 23 1989 CORY 

  19. Wood Sci Technol Harding 31 5 367 1997 10.1007/s002260050043 RIP-X 

  20. Thomas RE. A guide for using ROMI-RIP 2.00, a ROugh MIll RIP-first simulator. General Technical Report NE-259, USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station, Radnor, PA, 64 pp. 

  21. IEEE Comput Innovative Technol Comput Professionals Conners 30 7 43 1997 Machine vision technology for the forest products industry 

  22. 10.2737/NE-RP-671 Anderson RB, Thomas RE, Gatchell CJ, Bennett ND. Computerized technique for recording board defect data. Research Paper NE-671, USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station, Radnor, PA, 1993. 17 pp. 

  23. Moody J, Gatchell CJ, Walker ES, Klinkhachorn P. User's guide to UGRS: the ultimate grading and remanufacturing system (version 5.0). Genernal Technical Report NE-254. USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station, Radnor, PA, 40 pp. 

  24. Culbreth CT, Bendeck MO. GRADSTM-gang ripsaw arbor design and scheduling operations manual, version 3. North Carolina State University, Furniture Manufacturing and Management Center, Raleigh, NC, 1995. 25 pp. 

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