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[해외논문] Night‐time respiration rate and leaf carbohydrate concentrations are not coupled in two alpine perennial species 원문보기

The New phytologist, v.149 no.3, 2001년, pp.419 - 430  

McCutchan, Cheryl L. (University of Colorado, Department of Environmental, Organismic, and Population Biology, Campus Box 334, Boulder, CO, 80209–) ,  Monson, Russell K. (0334)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Summary The relationship between night‐time respiration rate and carbohydrate supply are measured in two alpine perennials, Bistorta bistortoides and Campanula rotundifolia. Natural populations of B. bistortoides and C. rotundifolia were subjected to high and low light treatments. During the f...


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