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[해외논문] Novel, Live Attenuated Simian Immunodeficiency Virus Constructs Containing Major Deletions in Leader RNA Sequences 원문보기

Journal of virology, v.75 no.6, 2001년, pp.2776 - 2785  

Guan, Yongjun (<) ,  Whitney, James B. (!--label omitted: 1-->) ,  Liang, Chen (McGill University AIDS Centre, Lady Davis Institute-Jewish General Hospital, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3T 1E2,1 and) ,  Wainberg, Mark A. (<)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

ABSTRACTWe have constructed a series of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) mutants containing deletions within a 97-nucleotide (nt) region of the leader sequence. Deletions in this region markedly decreased the replication capacity in tissue culture, i.e., in both the C8166 and CEMx174 cell lines, ...

참고문헌 (45)

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