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[해외논문] Use of simple and complex in vitro models for multiparameter characterization of human blood-material/device interactions

Journal of biomaterials science, Polymer edition, v.11 no.11, 2000년, pp.1147 - 1163  

Münch, Kuno (a Materials and Biosciences Center, Medtronic Bakken Research Center, 6229 GW Maastricht, The Netherlands) ,  Wolf, Michael F. (b Materials and Biosciences Center, Medtronic Inc., Minneapolis, MN 55430, USA) ,  Gruffaz, Patricia (c Université) ,  Ottenwaelter, Cécile (de Technologie de Compiè) ,  Bergan, Matt (gne, 60206 Compiè) ,  Schroeder, Peter (gne, France) ,  Fogt, Eric J. (d Université)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Medical devices, intended for blood contacting applications, undergo extensive in vitro testing followed by animal and clinical feasibility studies. Besides the use of materials known to be intrinsically blood-compatible, the surface of such devices is often modified with a coating in order to impro...

참고문헌 (16)

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