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[해외논문] Triamcinolone-Gold Nanoparticles Repolarize Synoviocytes and Macrophages in an Inflamed Synovium

ACS applied materials & interfaces, v.12 no.35, 2020년, pp.38936 - 38949  

Park, Jun-Young (Department of Gachon Advanced Institute for Health Science & Technology (GAIHST) , Gachon University , Incheon 21999 , South Korea) ,  Kwon, Song (Lee Gil Ya Cancer and Diabetes Institute , Gachon University , Incheon 21999 , South Korea) ,  Kim, Sang-Hyun (Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine , Kyungpook National University , Daegu 41944 , South Korea) ,  Kang, Youn Joo ,  Khang, Dongwoo

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Understanding the crosstalk between synoviocytes and macrophages is very important for the development of strategies to regulate inflammatory responses in an inflamed synovium. Simultaneous regulation of the pro- and anti-inflammatory responses of synoviocytes and macrophages (repolarization) is cri...


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