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[해외논문] Laser Synthesis of MOF-Derived NiCarbon for High-Performance Pseudocapacitors

ACS applied materials & interfaces, v.12 no.35, 2020년, pp.39154 - 39162  

Van Lam, Do (Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials , Daejeon 34103 , Republic of Korea) ,  Sohail, Muhammad (Korea University of Science and Technology , Daejeon 34113 , Republic of Korea) ,  Kim, Jae-Hyun (Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials , Daejeon 34103 , Republic of Korea) ,  Lee, Hak Joo (Center for Advanced Meta-Materials , Daejeon 34103 , Republic of Korea) ,  Han, Seong Ok (Korea Institute of Energy Research , Daejeon 34129 , Republic of Korea) ,  Shin, Jonghwa (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology , Daejeon 34141 , Republic of Korea) ,  Kim, Duckjong (Gyeongsang National University , Jinju 52828 , Republic of Korea) ,  Kim, Hyunuk ,  Lee, Seung-Mo

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Although nanosizing of multiphase pseudocapacitive nanomaterials could dramatically improve their electrochemical properties, a proper way to simultaneously control both the size and the phase of the pseudocapacitive materials is still elusive. Herein, we employed a commercial CO2 laser engraver to ...


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