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[해외논문] Transcription Factor PdeR Is Involved in Fungal Development, Metabolic Change, and Pathogenesis of Gray Mold Botrytis cinerea

Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, v.68 no.34, 2020년, pp.9171 - 9179  

Han, Jae Woo (Center for Eco-Friendly New Materials , Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology , Daejeon 34114 , Korea) ,  Kim, Da Yeon (Center for Eco-Friendly New Materials , Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology , Daejeon 34114 , Korea) ,  Lee, Yu Jeong (Center for Eco-Friendly New Materials , Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology , Daejeon 34114 , Korea) ,  Choi, Yee Ram (Center for Eco-Friendly New Materials , Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology , Daejeon 34114 , Korea) ,  Kim, Bomin (Center for Eco-Friendly New Materials , Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology , Daejeon 34114 , Korea) ,  Choi, Gyung Ja (Center for Eco-Friendly New Materials , Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology , Daejeon 34114 , Korea) ,  Han, Sang-Wook ,  Kim, Hun

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The necrotrophic fungus Botrytis cinerea releases extracellular enzymes that facilitate its penetration into a host. This study functionally characterized the gene pdeR of B. cinerea, which is predicted to encode a Zn(II)2Cys6 zinc finger transcription factor. To investigate the role of pdeR, delete...


참고문헌 (44)

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