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[해외논문] Darley's contributions to the understanding and diagnosis of developmental apraxia of speech

Aphasiology, v.15 no.3, 2001년, pp.291 - 304  

Strand, Edythe A.


In addition to his well-acknowledged work in the area of acquired neurologic communication disorders, Fred Darley also made significant contributions to how we think about speech disorders in children. His careful attention to nosology and his expertise in differential diagnosis led to a specific and important contribution in the area of developmental apraxia of speech. His work, along with Dr Yoss, contributed significantly to our understanding of this developmental motor speech disorder, as well as to the development of assessment and treatment strategies for this group of children. This paper will examine Darley's work in developmental apraxia of speech, both as a clinician and as a researcher.

참고문헌 (42)

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  31. SIMONSEN, KAREN MARGRETHE. CONGENITAL SPEECH DISORDERS. Acta psychiatrica et neurologica, vol.21, no.1, 715-734.

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  41. Yoss, Kathe Allan, Darley, Frederic L.. Therapy in Developmental Apraxia of Speech. Language, speech & hearing services in schools, vol.5, no.1, 23-31.

  42. Yoss, Kathe Allan, Darley, Frederic L.. Developmental Apraxia of Speech in Children with Defective Articulation. Journal of speech and hearing research : a publication of the American Speech and Hearing Association, vol.17, no.3, 399-416.

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