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[해외논문] Performance enhancement of the gas turbine combined cycle by simultaneous reheating, recuperation, and coolant inter-cooling

Energy : technologies, resources, reserves, demands, impact, conservation, management, policy, v.207, 2020년, pp.118271 -   

Kwon, Hyun Min (Graduate School, Inha University) ,  Moon, Seong Won (Graduate School, Inha University) ,  Kim, Tong Seop (Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Inha University) ,  Kang, Do Won (Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract The simultaneous use of gas turbine reheating and recuperation is favorable for improving the efficiency of the gas turbine combined cycle (GTCC). However, less power output is obtained from the combined cycle with both reheating and recuperation than with only reheating. Three cases of co...


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