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Evaluation of particulate matter (PM10) emissions and its chemical characteristics during rotary harrowing operations at different forward speeds and levelling bar heights

Environmental pollution, v.265 pt.A, 2020년, pp.115041 -   

Maffia, Jacopo (Corresponding author.) ,  Balsari, Paolo ,  Padoan, Elio ,  Ajmone-Marsan, Franco ,  Ricauda Aimonino, Davide ,  Dinuccio, Elio

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract Particulate matter (PM) is an air pollutant which poses a considerable risk to human health. The agricultural sector is responsible of the 15% of the total anthropogenic emissions of PM10 (PM fraction with aerodynamic diameter below 10 μm) and soil preparation activities have been recog...


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