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[해외논문] Which intercurrent infections are associated with maculopapular cutaneous drug reactions? A case‐control study

International journal of dermatology, v.40 no.1, 2001년, pp.41 - 44  

Cohen, Arnon D. (From the Departments of Dermatology and Epidemiology and Health Services Evaluation,Soroka University Medical Center, Faculty of Health Sciences,Ben‐) ,  Friger, Michael (Gurion University of the Negev, Beer‐) ,  Sarov, Batia (Sheva, Israel.) ,  Halevy, Sima (From the Departments of Dermatology and Epidemiology and Health Services Evaluation,Soroka University Medical Center, Faculty of Health Sciences,Ben‐)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract Background Patients with lymphotrophic viral infections are at increased risk for cutaneous drug reactions (CDRs). However, the association between other intercurrent infections and maculopapular CDRs has not been evaluated by epidemiologic methods.Objective We conducted a case‐con...

참고문헌 (23)

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