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NTIS 바로가기Physics letters: B, v.807, 2020년, pp.135501 -
Acharya, S.
(Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Homi Bhabha National Institute)
Adamová, D.
(Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences)
Adler, A.
(Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Universitä)
Adolfsson, J.
(t, Frankfurt Institut fü)
Aggarwal, M.M.
(r Informatik, Fachbereich Informatik und Mathematik)
Aglieri Rinella, G.
(Lund University Department of Physics, Division of Particle Physics)
Agnello, M.
(Physics Department, Panjab University)
Agrawal, N.
(European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN))
Ahammed, Z.
(Dipartimento DISAT del Politecnico, Sezione INFN)
Ahmad, S.
(Centro Fermi –)
Ahn, S.U.
(Museo Storico della Fisica e Centro Studi e Ricerche “Enrico Fermi')
Akindinov, A.
(Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Homi Bhabha National Institute)
Al-Turany, M.
(Department of Physics, Aligarh Muslim University)
Alam, S.N.
(Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
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