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[해외논문] Quinone oxidoreductase message levels are differentially regulated in parasitic and non‐parasitic plants exposed to allelopathic quinones 원문보기

The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology, v.25 no.4, 2001년, pp.375 - 387  

Matvienko, Marta ,  Wojtowicz, Angela ,  Wrobel, Russell ,  Jamison, Denneal ,  Goldwasser, Yaakov ,  Yoder, John I.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

SummaryAllelopathic chemicals released by plants into the rhizosphere have effects on neighboring plants ranging from phytoxicity to inducing organogenesis. The allelopathic activity of naturally occurring quinones and phenols is primarily a function of reactive radicals generated during redox cycli...

참고문헌 (79)

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