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[해외논문] Patient satisfaction with Emergency Nurse Practitioners

Emergency nurse : the journal of the RCN Accident and Emergency Nursing Association, v.8 no.10, 2001년, pp.23 - 29  

Walsh , Ruth

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (18)

  1. Journal of Advanced Nursing 22 316 1995 10.1046/j.1365-2648.1995.22020316.x Satisfying solutions? A review of some unresolved issues in the measurement of patient satisfaction 

  2. Accident & Emergency Nursing 8 144 2000 10.1054/aaen.2000.0139 Patient satisfaction with a new nurse practitioner service 

  3. Journal of Clinical Nursing 9 83 2000 10.1046/j.1365-2702.2000.00351.x Patient satisfaction with ENPs in A&E 

  4. Medical Care 31 834 1993 10.1097/00005650-199309000-00008 A patient survey system to measure quality improvement: questionnaire reliability and validity 

  5. British Journal of Nursing 4 22 1321 1995 10.12968/bjon.1995.4.22.1321 Impact of the Patient’s Charter on A&E departments 2: the ENP 

  6. Emergency Nurse 5 9 8 1998 10.7748/en.5.9.8.s15 Developing a nurse-led minor injuries treatment centre: the first six months 

  7. Nursing Standard 11 17 33 1997 10.7748/ns1997. Nurse practitioners: the role in A&E and primary care 

  8. Archives of Emergency Medicine 6 241 1989 10.1136/emj.6.4.241 Nurse practitioners in the A&E Department 

  9. Nursing Standard 7 22 35 1993 Minor injuries in the community 

  10. Journal of A&E Medicine 15 266 1998 Can nurse practitioners offer a quality service? An evaluation of a year’s work of a nurse-led minor injuries unit 

  11. Nursing Standard 12 5 45 1997 10.7748/ns1997. Minor injuries units: evaluating patients’ perceptions 

  12. Annals of Emergency Medicine 26 2 130 1995 10.1016/S0196-0644(95)70141-9 Patient satisfaction with a nurse practitioner in a University Emergency Service 

  13. The Lancet 354 1321 1999 10.1016/S0140-6736(99)02447-2 Care of minor injuries by ENPs or junior doctors: a randomised controlled trial 

  14. Evaluation of nurse practitioner pilot projects 1994 

  15. Journal of Advanced Nursing 26 364 1997 10.1046/j.1365-2648.1997.1997026364.x The ENP role in major A&E departments: professional issues and the research agenda 

  16. Journal of A&E Medicine 15 31 1998 ENP services in major A&E units: a UK postal survey 

  17. Journal of Advanced Nursing 31 5 1089 2000 10.1046/j.1365-2648.2000.01380.x Blurring boundaries: professional perspectives of the ENP in a major A&E Department 

  18. Emergency Nurse 7 10 20 2000 10.7748/en2000. The emerging role of the nurse practitioner in A&E 

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