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[해외논문] Type 1 pili-mediated adherence of Escherichia coli strain LF82 isolated from Crohn's disease is involved in bacterial invasion of intestinal epithelial cells

Molecular microbiology, v.39 no.5, 2001년, pp.1272 - 1284  

Boudeau, Jérôme (Pathogé) ,  Barnich, Nicolas (nie Bacté) ,  Darfeuille-Michaud, Arlette (rienne Intestinale, Laboratoire de Bacté)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

We previously characterized the invasive ability of Escherichia coli strain LF82, isolated from an ileal biopsy of a patient with Crohn's disease. In the present study, we performed TnphoA insertion mutagenesis to identify genes involved in LF82 invasion of intestinal epithelial cells. Most of the n...

참고문헌 (42)

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