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Scandinavian journal of plastic and reconstructive surgery and hand surgery, v.35 no.1, 2001년, pp.7 - 11  

Haapaniemi, Tomas ,  Nishiura, Yasumasa ,  Dahlin, Lars B.


We studied the effect of hyperbaric oxygen treatment on axonal outgrowth in grafts of sciatic nerves in 40 rats. The sciatic nerve was transsected and a 10 mm long segment from the opposite side was immediately sutured in as a nerve graft. Postoperatively 17 animals were treated with 100% oxygen at 3.2 atmospheres absolute pressure for 45 minutes and the treatment was repeated at four and eight hours postoperatively and then every eight hours until evaluation. At seven days the axonal outgrowth was evaluated by immunohistochemical staining of neurofilaments in the nerve grafts. The axonal outgrowth was significantly longer in animals treated with hyperbaric oxygen. We conclude that hyperbaric oxygen can improve nerve regeneration in sciatic nerve grafts in rats.


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