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[해외논문] Human Bancroftian filariasis: loss of patent microfilaraemia is not associated with production of antibodies to microfilarial sheath : Research note

Parasite immunology, v.23 no.3, 2001년, pp.163 - 167  

Satapathy, A.K. ,  Sahoo, P.K. ,  Babu Geddam, J.J. ,  Mohanty, M.C. ,  Ravindran, B.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Antisheath antibodies have been incriminated in elimination of circulating microfilariae in human filariasis since a very significant inverse association has been consistently demonstrated between the two parameters. An attempt was made in the present study to seek empirical proof for the above prop...

참고문헌 (16)

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  11. Am J Trop Med Hygiene Simonsen PE 667 59 1998 10.4269/ajtmh.1998.59.667 Bancroftian filariasis in Tanzania: specific antibody responses in relation to long‐term observations on microfilaraemia 

  12. Ravindran, B., Satapathy, A.K., Sahoo, P.K., Babu Geddam, J.J.. Protective immunity in human Bancroftian filariasis: inverse relationship between antibodies to microfilarial sheath and circulating filarial antigens. Parasite immunology, vol.22, no.12, 633-637.

  13. Sahoo, P.K., Babu Geddam, J.J., Satapathy, A.K., Mohanty, M.C., Ravindran, B.. Bancroftian filariasis: prevalence of antigenaemia and endemic normals in Orissa, India. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, vol.94, no.5, 515-517.

  14. Ravindran, B., Satapathy, A.K., Pattnaik, N.M.. Antibodies to diethylcarbamazine cross-react with microfilariae of Wuchereria bancrofti. Immunology letters, vol.17, no.1, 7-11.

  15. OtteSen, E. A.. The Wellcome Trust Lecture: Infection and disease in lymphatic filariasis: an immunological perspective. Parasitology, vol.104, no.suppl1, S71-S79.

  16. Freedman, D.O. Immune Dynamics in the Pathogenesis of Human Lymphatic Filariasis. Parasitology today, vol.14, no.6, 229-234.

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