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[해외논문] Allosteric Modification of Oxygen Delivery by Hemoglobin 원문보기

Anesthesia and analgesia, v.92 no.3, 2001년, pp.615 - 620  

Wahr, Joyce A. ,  Gerber, Michael ,  Venitz, Jürgen ,  Baliga, Narayan

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Hemoglobin affinity for oxygen is altered by pH, temperature, and high altitude, making oxygen more readily available to the tissues. RSR13 (Allos Therapeutics, Denver, CO), an analog of the drugs clofibrate and bezofibrate, causes a dose-dependent, rightward shift of the oxygen dissociation curve i...

참고문헌 (10)

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  2. Methods Enzymol Poyart 232 496 1994 10.1016/0076-6879(94)32062-4 Bezafibrate derivatives as potent effectors of hemoglobin. 

  3. J Med Chem Randad 34 752 1991 10.1021/jm00106a041 Allosteric modifiers of hemoglobin. 1. Design, synthesis, testing, and structure: allosteric activity relationship of novel hemoglobin oxygen affinity decreasing agents. 

  4. Biochemistry Abraham 31 9141 1992 10.1021/bi00153a005 Allosteric modifiers of hemoglobin: 2-[4-[[(3,5-Disubstituted anilino)carbonyl]-methyl]phenoxy]-2-methylpropionic acid derivatives that lower the oxygen affinity of hemoglobin in red cell suspensions, in whole blood, and in vivo in rats. 

  5. Microvasc Res Kunert 52 58 1996 10.1006/mvre.1996.0043 Low-affinity hemoglobin increases tissue PO2 and decreases arteriolar diameter and flow in the rat cremaster muscle. 

  6. Am J Physiol Kunert 271 H602 1996 RSR-13, an allosteric effector of hemoglobin, increases systemic and iliac vascular resistance in rats. 

  7. Am J Physiol Wei 265 H1439 1993 Effect of local change in O2 saturation of hemoglobin on cerebral vasodilation from hy-poxia and hypotension. 

  8. Stroke Watson 28 1624 1997 10.1161/01.STR.28.8.1624 Effects of the allosteric modification of hemoglobin on brain oxygen and infarct size in a feline model of stroke. 

  9. Am J Physiol Khandelwal 265 H1450 1993 Enhanced oxygenation in vivo by allosteric inhibitors of hemoglobin saturation. 

  10. J Clin Invest Heyman 82 401 1988 10.1172/JCI113612 Acute renal failure with selective medullary injury in the rat. 

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