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[해외논문] Pressure sores in intensive care: defining their incidence and associated factors and assessing the utility of two pressure sore risk assessment tools

Australian critical care : official journal of the Confederation of Australian Critical Care Nurses, v.14 no.1, 2001년, pp.24 - 30  

Boyle, Martin

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractPatients in intensive care units (ICU) are at high risk of developing pressure sores and the use of pressure sore risk tools has been advocated as a means of identifying patients at risk. A prospective multi-site observational study was conducted to define the incidence of pressure sores, as...

참고문헌 (17)

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  2. Effective Health Care Callum 2 1 2 1995 The prevention and treatment of pressure sores: how useful are the measures for scoring people's risk of developing a pressure sore? 

  3. Anaesthesia Theaker 55 221 2000 10.1046/j.1365-2044.2000.01216.x Risk factors for pressure sores in the critically ill 

  4. Care of the Critically Ill Waterlow 11 3 121 1995 Pressure sores and their management 

  5. Journal of Clinical Nursing Smith 4 3 153 1995 10.1111/j.1365-2702.1995.tb00200.x A critique of ‘at risk’ pressure sore assessment tools 

  6. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing Jackson 15 169 1999 10.1016/S0964-3397(99)80048-2 The revised Jackson/Cubbin pressure area risk calculator 

  7. Int Care Med Westrate 24 815 1998 10.1007/s001340050671 The clinical relevance of the Waterlow pressure sore risk scale in ICU 

  8. Metz 8 283 1978 Basic priciples of ROC analysis 

  9. Diagnostic Radiology Hanley 143 1 29 1982 The meaning and use of the area under a receiving operating characteristic curve 

  10. Int & Crit Care Nurs Hunt 9 226 1993 10.1016/S0964-3397(05)80003-5 Application of a pressure area risk calculator in an intensive care unit 

  11. JAMA Allman 272 11 865 1995 10.1001/jama.1995.03520350047027 Pressure ulcer risk factors amongst hospitalised patients with activity limitation 

  12. Am J Crit Care Jiricka 4 5 361 1995 10.4037/ajcc1995.4.5.361 Pressure ulcer risk factors in an ICU population 

  13. Am J Crit Care Carlson 8 4 262 1999 10.4037/ajcc1999.8.4.262 Predicting the risk of pressure ulcers in critically ill patients 

  14. Adv Wound Care Inman 12 2 73 1999 Pressure ulcer prevention: a randomised controlled trial of two risk-directed strategies for patient surface assignment 

  15. JWOCN Ooka 22 6 271 1995 Evaluation of three types of support surfaces for preventing pressure ulcers in patients in a surgical intensive care unit 

  16. J Wound Care Waterlow 4 10 474 1995 10.12968/jowc.1995.4.10.474 Reliability of the Waterlow score 

  17. Nursing Research Bergstrom 47 5 261 1998 10.1097/00006199-199809000-00005 Predicting pressure ulcer risk: a multisite study of the predictive validity of the Braden scale 

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