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Journal of earthquake engineering : JEE, v.5 no.1, 2001년, pp.69 - 92  


초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (16)

  1. Handbook of Mathematical Functions Abramowitz M. 1968 

  2. An Introduction to Numerical Analysis Atkinson 1978 

  3. Bells and Bell Hanging Ayres R. M. 1981 

  4. The 2nd April 1990 Bishop's Castle Earthquake 1990 

  5. The Great English Earthquake Haining P. 1991 

  6. Blakeborough , A. [ 1999 ] “ An analytical response of church bells to earthquake excitation ,” Report No OUEL 2198/98 , Department of Engineering Science, Oxford University . 

  7. Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences 2nd Ed Boas M. 1983 

  8. A History of British Earthquakes Davison C. 1924 

  9. Glockentuerm Berechnung und Ausfuehrung 1978 

  10. Personal communication Dowrick D. 2000 

  11. A User's Guide to Strongmo Version 1.0 of NCEER's Strong-Motion Data Access Tool for PCs and Terminals Friberg P. A. 1990 

  12. Int. Mech. Sci. Heyman J. 161 18 1976 10.1016/0020-7403(76)90020-5 

  13. Key , D. E. [ 1988 ] “ Earthquake Design Practice for Buildings ,” T. Telford , London . 

  14. Schmid , Sved and Bagot . [ 1986 ] “ Bell Tower Dynamics, 10th Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials ,” University of Adelaide . 

  15. Nonlinear Vibrations Schmidt G. 1986 10.1017/CBO9780511735752 

  16. Personal communication Selby A. R. 1993 

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