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[해외논문] Locally Unmixed Modules and Ideal Topologies 원문보기

Journal of algebra, v.236 no.2, 2001년, pp.768 - 777  

Naghipour, R (Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, P.O. Box 19395-5746, Tehran, Iran)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractLet R be a commutative Noetherian ring, and let N be a non-zero finitely generated R-module. In this paper, the main result asserts that N is locally unmixed if and only if, for any N-proper ideal a of R generated by htNa elements, the topology defined by (aN)(n), n≥0, is equivalent t...

참고문헌 (11)

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  2. Bruns 1998 Cohen-Macaulay Rings 

  3. Kaplansky 1974 Commutative Rings 

  4. J. Algebra Katz 95 59 1985 10.1016/0021-8693(85)90092-4 Prime divisors, asymptotic R-sequences and unmixed local rings 

  5. Matsumura 1986 Commutative Ring Theory 

  6. Comm. Algebra Ratliff 13 2073 1985 10.1080/00927878508823265 The topology determined by the symbolic powers of primary ideals 

  7. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Schenzel 93 15 1985 10.1090/S0002-9939-1985-0766518-9 Symbolic powers of prime ideals and their topology 

  8. J. Algebra Schenzel 92 157 1985 10.1016/0021-8693(85)90151-6 Independent elements, unmixedness theorems and asymptotic prime divisors 

  9. Math. Nachr. Schenzel 129 123 1986 10.1002/mana.19861290112 Finiteness of relative Rees ring and asymptotic prime divisors 

  10. Manuscripta Math. Schenzel 78 57 1993 10.1007/BF02599300 Explicit computations around the Lichtenbaum-Hartshorne vanishing theorem 

  11. J. Pure Appl. Algebra Verma 47 205 1987 10.1016/0022-4049(87)90062-4 On ideals whose adic and symbolic topologies are linearly equivalent 

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