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[해외논문] Long Run Underperformance in REITs Following Seasoned Equity Offerings

The journal of real estate portfolio management, v.6 no.4, 2000년, pp.355 - 363  

Howton, Shawn (Villanova University, Villanova, PA) ,  Howton, Shelly (Villanova University, Villanova, PA) ,  Friday, H. (Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi, TX)

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (18)

  1. Asquith, P., Mullins, D.W.. Equity issues and offering dilution. Journal of financial economics, vol.15, no.1, 61-89.

  2. Cooney, J.W., Kalay, A.. Positive information from equity issue announcements. Journal of financial economics, vol.33, no.2, 149-172.

  3. Damodaran, Aswath, Liu, Crocker H.. Insider Trading as a Signal of Private Information. The Review of financial studies, vol.6, no.1, 79-119.

  4. Fama, Eugene F., French, Kenneth R.. Common risk factors in the returns on stocks and bonds. Journal of financial economics, vol.33, no.1, 3-56.

  5. Friday H. S. and S. D. Howton An Examination of the Predictive Ability of the Market in the Case of REIT Liquidations Working paper Villanova University 1999. 

  6. 10.2307/3666286 Friday H. S. S. D. Howton and S. W. Howton Anomalous Evidence on Operating Performance Changes Following Seasoned Equity Offerings: The Case of REITs Financial Management 2000 forthcoming. 

  7. Ghosh C. C. F. Sirmans and R. Nag Wealth Effects of REIT Seasoned Equity Offerings Working paper University of Connecticut 1997. 

  8. HOWE, JOHN S., SHILLING, JAMES D.. Capital Structure Theory and REIT Security Offerings. The Journal of finance, vol.43, no.4, 983-993.

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  10. Ling, D.C., Ryngaert, M.. Valuation uncertainty, institutional involvement, and the underpricing of IPOs: The case of REITs. Journal of financial economics, vol.43, no.3, 433-456.

  11. LOUGHRAN, TIM, RITTER, JAY R.. The Operating Performance of Firms Conducting Seasoned Equity Offerings. The Journal of finance, vol.52, no.5, 1823-1850.

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  13. Masulis, R.W., Korwar, A.N.. Seasoned equity offerings - An empirical investigation. Journal of financial economics, vol.15, no.1, 91-118.

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  15. Myers, S.C., Majluf, N.S.. Corporate financing and investment decisions when firms have information that investors do not have. Journal of financial economics, vol.13, no.2, 187-221.

  16. Journal of Real Estate Research 375 10.1080/10835547.1998.12090956 16 The Financial Performance of REITs Following Initial Public Offerings Shelor, R. M. and D. C. Anderson, The Financial Performance of REITs Following Initial Public Offerings, Journal of Real Estate Research, 1998, 16:3, 375-87. The Financial Performance of REITs Following Initial Public Offerings Journal of Real Estate Research 16 375 87 

  17. Spiess, D.K., Affleck-Graves, J.. Underperformance in long-run stock returns following seasoned equity offerings. Journal of financial economics, vol.38, no.3, 243-267.

  18. Wang, K., Chan, S.H., Gau, G.W.. Initial public offerings of equity securities - Anomalous evidence using REITs. Journal of financial economics, vol.31, no.3, 381-410.

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