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[해외논문] Visual Texts: Format and the Evolution of English Accounting Texts, 1100-1700

Journal of technical writing and communication, v.30 no.4, 2000년, pp.307 - 341  

Tebeaux, Elizabeth (Texas A & M University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Emphasis on page design, as an aid to visual accessibility, did not receive attention in modern technical writing until the 1970s. However, accounting documents and instructional texts utilized format and document design strategies as early as the twelfth century to enhance the organization of quan...

참고문헌 (38)

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  4. Middle-Class Culture in Elizabethan England Wright L. B. 1935 

  5. Further Essays on the History of Accounting Yamey B. 1982 

  6. Douglas D. C. and Greenway G. W. (eds.), English Historical Documents 1042-1189 (2nd Edition), Routledge, London and New York, pp. 522-560, 1981. 

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  9. Manorial Records of Cuxham, Oxfordshire, circa 1200-1359 Harvey P. D. A. 1976 

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  11. Walter of Henley and Other Treatises on Estate Management and Accounting Oschinsky D. 1971 

  12. Studies in the History of Accounting Roberts R. 75 1956 

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  14. The Later Court Hands in England: From the 15th to the 17th Century Jenkinson H. 1979 

  15. Ramus, Method, and the Decay of Dialogue Ong W. S. J. 1958 

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  18. A Notable and Very Excellent Woorke: Expressyng and Declaryng the Maner and Forme How to Kepe a Boke of Accoptes or Reconyngs Christoffels Ympyn J. 1547 

  19. The Maner and Fourme How to Kepe a Perfecte Reconyng Peele J. 1553 

  20. The Pathe Waye to Perfectnes, in the Accomptes of Debitour and Creditour Peele J. 1569 

  21. The Merchants Mirrour. Or, Directions For the Perfect Ordering and Keeping of His Accounts Dafforne R. 1651 

  22. The Apprentices Time-Entertainer Accomptantly Dafforne R. 1670 

  23. Accounting Research Yamey B. S. 299 8 4 1957 

  24. The Absolute Accomptant and London-Merchant Browne T. 1673 

  25. A Most Excellent Instruction for the Exact and Perfect Keeping Merchants Bookes of Accounts Carpenter I. 1632 

  26. Instructions for Rent-Gatherers Accompts, &c., Made Easie Monteage S. 1683 

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  28. Debtor and Creditor Made Easie, or A Short Instruction for the Attaining the Right Use of Accounts after the Best Method Used by Merchants Monteage S. 1682 

  29. Tebeaux, Elizabeth. Technical Writing in Seventeenth-Century England: The Flowering of a Tradition. Journal of technical writing and communication, vol.29, no.3, 209-253.

  30. 10.3998/mpub.10937 

  31. Further Essays on the History of Accounting Yamey B. 1982 

  32. Rhetoric, Romance, and Technology Ong W. J. 1971 

  33. Tebeaux, Elizabeth. Technical Writing in Seventeenth-Century England: The Flowering of a Tradition. Journal of technical writing and communication, vol.29, no.3, 209-253.

  34. Tebeaux, Elizabeth. Designing Written Business Communication along the Shifting Cultural Continuum : The New Face of Mexico. Journal of business and technical communication : JBTC, vol.13, no.1, 49-85.

  35. 10.2190/ETRC10 

  36. Tebeaux, Elizabeth. The voices of English women technical writers, 1641-1700: Imprints in the evolution of modern English prose style. Technical communication quarterly : TCQ, vol.7, no.2, 125-152.

  37. The Emergence of a Tradition: Technical Writing in the English Renaissance, 1475-1640 Tebeaux Elizabeth 1997 

  38. Women, Science and Medicine, 1500-1700, in Honor of the 500th Anniversary of Gresham College Elizabeth Tebeaux 29 1997 

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