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[해외논문] Convicted Survivors: Comparing and Describing California's Battered Women Inmates

The Prison journal, v.81 no.1, 2001년, pp.73 - 86  


Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study describes women incarcerated at a California prison for the death of their male abusers and compares them with a statewide sample of women inmates. Women convicted for using lethal violence against abusive partners differ from the broader population of California women prisoners on key de...

참고문헌 (30)

  1. Final report Attorney General's Task Force on Family Violence 

  2. Violence against women: Estimates from the redesigned survey Bachman, R. 

  3. Bannister, Shelley A.. The Criminalization of Women Fighting Back against Male Abuse: Imprisoned Battered Women as Political Prisoners. Humanity & society, vol.15, no.4, 400-416.

  4. Bannister, S. A. (1996). Battered women who kill: Status and situational determinants of courtroom outcomes . Ph.D. dissertation, University of Illinois at Chicago. 

  5. 10.1037/e524632006-001 

  6. Block, Carolyn Rebecca, Christakos, Antigone. Intimate Partner Homicide in Chicago Over 29 Years. Crime and delinquency, vol.41, no.4, 496-526.

  7. Bloom, B. E. (1996). Triple jeopardy: Race, class, and gender as factors in women's imprisonment . Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Riverside. 

  8. When battered women kill Browne, A. 

  9. Domestic violence: The criminal justice response Buzawa, E. S. 

  10. Population reports California Department of Corrections 

  11. Assessing dangerousness: Violence by sexual offenders, batterers, and child abusers Campbell, J. C. 96 

  12. The criminal justice system and women Chesney-Lind, M. 105 

  13. American corrections Clear, T. R. 4 

  14. 1998 survey of women's health Collins, K. S. 

  15. Victimology: An International Journal Edwards, S.S.M. 186 10 1985 

  16. Battered women who kill Ewing, C. P. 

  17. Ewing, Charles Patrick. Psychological self-defense: A proposed justification for battered women who kill.. Law and human behavior, vol.14, no.6, 579-594.

  18. Violence by intimates Greenfeld, L. A. 

  19. Family violence: Interventions for the justice system Hofford, M. 

  20. All too familiar: Sexual abuse of women in US state prisons Human Rights Watch 

  21. Family violence in cross-cultural perspective Levinson, D. 10.1007/978-1-4757-5360-8_18 

  22. Maguigan, Holly. Battered Women and Self-Defense: Myths and Misconceptions in Current Reform Proposals. University of Pennsylvania law review, vol.140, no.2, 379-.

  23. Representing...battered women who kill Mann, C. R. 73 

  24. Examining the justice process McCorkel, J. A. 157 

  25. Statistics packet National Clearinghouse for the Defense of Battered Women 3 

  26. Women prisoners: A forgotten population O'Shea, K. 75 

  27. Response Osthoff, S. 2 14 1991 

  28. Family violence Pagelow, M. D. 

  29. Women in prison Snell, T. L. 

  30. Stout, Karen D.. Women Who Kill: Offenders or Defenders?. Affilia, vol.6, no.4, 8-22.

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