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NTIS 바로가기Annals of neurology, v.49 no.3, 2001년, pp.405 - 408
Kruse, Niels (Department of Neurology, Bayerische Julius-Maximilians-Universitä) , Berg, Daniela (t, Wü) , Francis, Michael J. (rzburg, Germany) , Naumann, Markus (Department of Neurology, Bayerische Julius-Maximilians-Universitä) , Rausch, Wolf-Dieter (t, Wü) , Reiners, K. (rzburg, Germany) , Rieckmann, Peter (Human Genetics) , Weishaupt, Andreas (Department of Neurology, Bayerische Julius-Maximilians-Universitä) , Becker, Georg (t, Wü)
Studies on postmortem tissue of patients with primary adult-onset dystonia revealed a significant increase in copper levels and a reduction of copper transporting Menkes protein of the lentiform nuclei. Here we demonstrate that patients with idiopathic adult-onset cervical dystonia (n = 14) have red...
Naumann, M., Becker, G., Toyka, K.V., Supprian, T., Reiners, K.. Lenticular nucleus lesion in idiopathic dystonia detected by transcranial sonography. Neurology, vol.47, no.5, 1284-1290.
Becker, Georg, Naumann, Markus, Scheubeck, Maximilian, Hofmann, Erich, Deimling, Michael, Lindner, Alfred, Gahn, Georg, Reiners, Christoph, Toyka, Klaus V., Reiners, Karlheinz. Comparison of transcranial sonography, magnetic resonance imaging, and single photon emission computed tomography findings in idiopathic spasmodic torticollis. Movement disorders : official journal of the Movement Disorder Society, vol.12, no.1, 79-88.
Sharonova, Irina N., Vorobjev, Vladimir S., Haas, Helmut L.. High‐affinity copper block of GABAA receptor‐mediated currents in acutely isolated cerebellar Purkinje cells of the rat. The European journal of neuroscience, vol.10, no.2, 522-528.
Weiser, T, Wienrich, M. The effects of copper ions on glutamate receptors in cultured rat cortical neurons. Brain research, vol.742, no.1, 211-218.
Sadée, W., Pfeiffer, A., Herz, A.. Opiate Receptor: Multiple Effects of Metal Ions. Journal of neurochemistry, vol.39, no.3, 659-667.
Kruse, N., Pette, M., Toyka, K., Rieckmann, P.. Quantification of cytokine mRNA expression by RT PCR in samples of previously frozen blood. Journal of immunological methods, vol.210, no.2, 195-203.
Fontaine, Sharon La, Firth, Stephen D., Camakaris, James, Englezou, Anna, Theophilos, Michael B., Petris, Michael J., Howie, Michelle, Lockhart, Paul J., Greenough, Mark, Brooks, Hilary, Reddel, Roger R., Mercer, Julian F.B.. Correction of the Copper Transport Defect of Menkes Patient Fibroblasts by Expression of the Menkes and Wilson ATPases. The Journal of biological chemistry, vol.273, no.47, 31375-31380.
Francis, M J, Jones, E E, Levy, E R, Ponnambalam, S, Chelly, J, Monaco, A P. A Golgi localization signal identified in the Menkes recombinant protein.. Human molecular genetics, vol.7, no.8, 1245-1252.
Am J Clin Nutr Turnlund JR 960S 67 5 1998 10.1093/ajcn/67.5.960S Human whole‐body copper metabolism
Danks, D. M., Cartwright, Elizabeth, Stevens, B. J., Townley, R. R. W.. Menkes' Kinky Hair Disease: Further Definition of the Defect in Copper Transport. Science, vol.179, no.4078, 1140-1142.
Kodama, H, Abe, T, Takama, M, Takahashi, I, Kodama, M, Nishimura, M. Histochemical localization of copper in the intestine and kidney of macular mice: light and electron microscopic study.. The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society, vol.41, no.10, 1529-1535.
Menkes, John H. Kinky hair disease: Twenty five years later. Brain & development, vol.10, no.2, 77-79.
Haas, R. H., Robinson, A., Evans, K., Lascelles, P. T., Dubowitz, V.. An X‐linked disease of the nervous system with disordered copper metabolism and features differing from Menkes disease. Neurology, vol.31, no.7, 852-852.
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