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[해외논문] Narrating Past Traditions of Participation and Inclusion : Historical Perspectives on Workplace Empowerment

The Journal of applied behavioral science, v.37 no.1, 2001년, pp.5 - 14  

Prasad, Pushkala (Skidmore College) ,  Eylon, Dafna (Richmond University)

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (37)

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  32. Spreitzer, Gretchen M.. An empirical test of a comprehensive model of intrapersonal empowerment in the workplace. American journal of community psychology, vol.23, no.5, 601-629.

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  34. The pursuit of history Tosh, J. 1991 

  35. Taylorism transformed: Scientific management theory since 1945 Waring, S. P. 1991 

  36. The Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism Weber, M. 1958 

  37. The content of the form: Narrative discourse and historical representation White, H. 1987 

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