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Instrumentation science & technology, v.29 no.1, 2001년, pp.1 - 9  

Takeuchi, Toshifumi (Laboratory of Synthetic Biochemistry, Faculty of Information Sciences, Hiroshima City University, 3-4-1 Ozuka-Higashi, Asaminami-Ku, 731-3194, Hiroshima, Japan) ,  Seko, Akinobu (Laboratory of Synthetic Biochemistry, Faculty of Information Sciences, Hiroshima City University, 3-4-1 Ozuka-Higashi, Asaminami-Ku, 731-3194, Hiroshima, Japan) ,  Matsui, Jun (Laboratory of Synthetic Biochemistry, Faculty of Information Sciences, Hiroshima City University, 3-4-1 Ozuka-Higashi, Asaminami-Ku, 731-3194, Hiroshima, Japan) ,  Mukawa, Takashi (Laboratory of Synthetic Biochemistry, Faculty of Information Sciences, Hiroshima City University, 3-4-1 Ozuka-Higashi, Asaminami-Ku, 731-3194, Hiroshima, Japan)


A molecularly imprinted polymer library was prepared on a 96-well microtiter plate, using a liquid-handing equipment that was programmed to prepare various breeds of cinchonidine-imprinted polymers. The resultant polymers, immobilized on the bottom surface of the wells, were screened for the binding capacity by fluorescence measurement, using a microplate reader. Comparison with a conventional assessment by FIA (flow injection analysis) demonstrated the reliability and the high-throughput performance of the microtiter plate-based combinatorial molecular imprinting.

참고문헌 (16)

  1. ACS Symp. Ser. 703 Molecular and Ionic Recognition with Imprinted Polymers Bartsch R. A. 1997 

  2. Wulff, Günter. Molecular Imprinting in Cross‐Linked Materials with the Aid of Molecular Templates- A Way towards Artificial Antibodies. Angewandte Chemie. International edition in English, vol.34, no.17, 1812-1832.

  3. Haupt, Karsten, Mosbach, Klaus. Plastic antibodies: developments and applications. Trends in biotechnology, vol.16, no.11, 468-475.

  4. Takeuchi, Toshifumi, Haginaka, Jun. Separation and sensing based on molecular recognition using molecularly imprinted polymers. Journal of chromatography. B, Biomedical sciences and applications, vol.728, no.1, 1-20.

  5. Takeuchi, T., Fukuma, D., Matsui, J.. Combinatorial Molecular Imprinting: An Approach to Synthetic Polymer Receptors. Analytical chemistry, vol.71, no.2, 285-290.

  6. Matsui, Jun., Kato, Teru., Takeuchi, Toshifumi., Suzuki, Masayasu., Yokoyama, Kenji., Tamiya, Eiichi., Karube, Isao.. Molecular recognition in continuous polymer rods prepared by a molecular imprinting technique. Analytical chemistry, vol.65, no.17, 2223-2224.

  7. 10.2116/analsci.11.1017 

  8. Matsui, Jun, Nicholls, Ian A., Takeuchi, Toshifumi. Molecular recognition in cinchona alkaloid molecular imprinted polymer rods. Analytica chimica acta : an international journal devoted to all branches of analytical chemistry, vol.365, no.1, 89-93.

  9. Sellergren, B.. Imprinted dispersion polymers: A new class of easily accessible affinity stationary phases. Journal of chromatography A, vol.673, no.1, 133-141.

  10. Sellergren, Boerje.. Direct Drug Determination by Selective Sample Enrichment on an Imprinted Polymer. Analytical chemistry, vol.66, no.9, 1578-1582.

  11. Nilsson, K., Lindell, J., Norrlow, O., Sellergren, B.. Imprinted polymers as antibody mimetics and new affinity gels for selective separations in capillary electrophoresis. Journal of chromatography A, vol.680, no.1, 57-61.

  12. Schweitz, L., Andersson, L. I., Nilsson, S.. Capillary Electrochromatography with Predetermined Selectivity Obtained through Molecular Imprinting. Analytical chemistry, vol.69, no.6, 1179-1183.

  13. Brüggemann, Oliver, Freitag, Ruth, Whitcombe, Michael J., Vulfson, Evgeny N.. Comparison of polymer coatings of capillaries for capillary electrophoresis with respect to their applicability to molecular imprinting and electrochromatography. Journal of chromatography A, vol.781, no.1, 43-53.

  14. Matsui, Jun, Nicholls, Ian A., Takeuchi, Toshifumi. Highly stereoselective molecularly imprinted polymer synthetic receptors for cinchona alkaloids. Tetrahedron, asymmetry, vol.7, no.5, 1357-1361.

  15. Matsui, Jun, Nicholls, Ian A., Takeuchi, Toshifumi. Molecular recognition in cinchona alkaloid molecular imprinted polymer rods. Analytica chimica acta : an international journal devoted to all branches of analytical chemistry, vol.365, no.1, 89-93.

  16. Anal. Chem. Matsui J. 

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