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[해외논문] Effective generation of atmospheric pressure plasma in a sandwich-type honeycomb monolith reactor by humidity control

Chemical engineering journal, v.401, 2020년, pp.125970 -   

Nguyen, Duc Ba (Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Jeju National University) ,  Shirjana, Saud (Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Jeju National University) ,  Hossain, Md. Mokter (Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Jeju National University) ,  Heo, Iljeong (Environment & Sustainable Resources Research Center, Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology) ,  Mok, Young Sun (Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Jeju National University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract Large-volume atmospheric-pressure plasma based on corona discharge was successfully generated in a sandwich-type plasma reactor by controlling the humidity of the feed gas. The reactor comprised a 5-cm-high and 9-cm-wide commercial honeycomb monolith and two perforated stainless-steel disk...


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