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[해외논문] Overview of recent ITER TBM Program activities

Fusion engineering and design, v.158, 2020년, pp.111674 -   

Giancarli, Luciano M. (ITER Organization) ,  Bravo, Xavier (ITER Organization) ,  Cho, Seungyon (NFRI) ,  Ferrari, Marco (Fusion for Energy) ,  Hayashi, Takumi (QST) ,  Kim, Byoung-Yoon (ITER Organization) ,  Leal-Pereira, Artur (ITER Organization) ,  Martins, Jean-Pierre (ITER Organization) ,  Merola, Mario (ITER Organization) ,  Pascal, Romain (ITER Organization) ,  Schneiderova, Iva (ITER Organization) ,  Sheng, Qian (ITER China Domestic Agency) ,  Sircar, Amit (Institute for Plasma Research) ,  Strebkov, Yuri ,  van der Laan, Jaap (ITER Organization) ,  Ying, Alice (University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA))

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract The ITER Test Blanket Module (TBM) Program has significantly evolved since 2018. The number of equatorial ports allocated for operating the Test Blanket Systems (TBSs) has been reduced from three to two. As consequence, four TBSs can be simultaneously installed and operated, versus six pre...


참고문헌 (35)

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  3. J. Aubert, J. Vallory, et al., Design and Preliminary Analyses of the New Water Cooled Lithium Lead TBM for ITER, ISFNT-14 proceeding, this conference. 

  4. Fus. Eng. and Des. Zmitko 136 1376 2018 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2018.05.014 Development and qualification of functional materials for the European HCPB TBM 

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  6. Y. Kawamura, H. Gwon, H. Tanigawa, T. Hayashi, et al., Progress of Water Cooled Ceramic Breeder Test Blanket Module System, ISFNT-14 proceeding, this conference. 

  7. Fus. Eng. and Des. 136, Part A Cho 190 2018 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2018.01.050 Investigation of technical gaps between DEMO blanket and HCCR TBM 

  8. Nucl. Fusion Wang 59 2019 10.1088/1741-4326/ab0c32 Current design and R&D progress of the Chinese helium cooled ceramic breeder test blanket system 

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  13. Plasma Sci. Technol. Chaudhuri 19 125604 2017 10.1088/2058-6272/aa8807 Comparative studies for two different orientations of pebble bed in an HCCB blanket 

  14. Fus. Eng. and Des. Zmitko 124 767 2017 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2017.04.051 The European ITER Test Blanket Modules: EUROFER97 material and TBM’s fabrication technologies development and qualification 

  15. Fus. Eng. and Des. Lee 98-99 1821 2015 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2015.06.141 Integrated design and performance analysis of KO HCCR TBM for ITER 

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  17. Mater. Sci. Eng. A Zhao 735 260 2018 10.1016/j.msea.2018.08.048 Experimental and numerical simulation analysis on creep crack growth behaviour of CLAM steel 

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  20. Fus. Eng. and Des Luo 109-111 Part A 416 2016 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2016.02.089 Recent progress of China HCCB TBM tritium system 

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  24. Fus. Sci. Technol. Shrivastav 65 319 2014 10.13182/FST13-658 Preparation and characterization of the Lithium metatitanate ceramics by solution-combustion method for indian LLCB TBM 

  25. Fus. Eng. Des. Yadav 124 710 2017 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2017.05.097 Helium cooling systems for Indian LLCB TBM testing in ITER 

  26. Flow Meas. Instrum. Sahu 66 190 2019 10.1016/j.flowmeasinst.2019.03.008 Development of an optimized magnetic field source for flow meter applications 

  27. Fus. Eng. and Des. Kumar 138 1 2019 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2018.09.016 Engineering design and development of lead lithium loop for thermo-fluid MHD studies 

  28. J. Sep. Sci. Gayathri Devi 41 1798 2018 10.1002/jssc.201700911 Analysis of trace levels of impurities and hydrogen isotopes in helium purge gas using gas chromatography for tritium extraction system of an Indian lead lithium ceramic breeder test blanket module 

  29. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy Chippar 43 8007 2018 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2018.03.017 Numerical investigation of hydrogen absorption in a stackable metal hydride reactor utilizing compartmentalization 

  30. Fus. Eng. Des. Park 2019 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2019.03.052 Hydrogen adsorption performance for large-scale cryogenic molecular sieve bed 

  31. Fus. Eng. Des. Gwon 2019 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2019.03.057 Tritium Breeding capability of water cooled breeder blanket with different container designs 

  32. Fus. Eng. and Des Kim 109-111 Part A 996 2016 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2016.01.036 Design and manufacturing feasibility of ITER TBM frame and dummy TBMs 

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  34. L. Forest, L.V. Boccaccini, M. Zmitko, et al., Test Blanket Modules (ITER) and Breeding Blanket (DEMO): history of major fabrication technologies development of HCLL and HCPB and status, ISFNT-14 proceeding, this conference. 

  35. Fus. Eng. and Des. Zmitko 109-111 1687 2016 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2015.10.029 The European ITER test blanket modules: progress in development of fabrication technologies towards standardization 


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