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[해외논문] Design of multipactor-suppressed high-power VFT for helicon current drive in KSTAR

Fusion engineering and design, v.161, 2020년, pp.111960 -   

Jang, K.H. (National Fusion Research Institute) ,  Wang, S.J. (National Fusion Research Institute) ,  Wi, H.H. (National Fusion Research Institute) ,  Saito, K. (National Institute for Fusion Science, National Institutes of Natural Sciences) ,  Kim, J.H. (National Fusion Research Institute) ,  Lee, H.Y. (National Fusion Research Institute) ,  Kwak, J.G. (National Fusion Research Institute)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract A helicon wave was tested for coupling at low power in the KSTAR, and high-power coupling has also been tried. When RF is applied to the antenna system, the reflected power gradually increases on a sub-millisecond timescale. A slower process than usual arcing suggests that a multipactor di...


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