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[해외논문] Shifting the emission of proton transfer fluorescence with fluorine-boron as the rotation lock

Molecular crystals and liquid crystals, v.704 no.1, 2020년, pp.41 - 47  

He, Weifeng (Department of Health Management, Nanyang Medical College, Nanyang, Henan, P. R. China) ,  Li, Xiaochuan ,  Kim, Hyorim (School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang, Henan, P. R. China) ,  Son, Young-A.

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참고문헌 (30)

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  5. Ma, Xiaofeng, Sun, Rui, Cheng, Jinghui, Liu, Jiaoyan, Gou, Fei, Xiang, Haifeng, Zhou, Xiangge. Fluorescence Aggregation-Caused Quenching versus Aggregation-Induced Emission: A Visual Teaching Technology for Undergraduate Chemistry Students. Journal of chemical education, vol.93, no.2, 345-350.

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  12. Li, X., Xu, Y., Wang, B., Son, Y.A.. Toggle-switchable fluorescence of bisindolylmaleimide derivatives by reversible esterification/hydrolysis. Tetrahedron letters: the international organ for the rapid publication of preliminary communications in organic chemistry, vol.53, no.9, 1098-1101.

  13. Li, Xiaochuan, Zhao, Nan, Yu, Lihua, Son, Young-A. Nitro Substituted Bisindolylmalimide Derivatives: Position-Dependent Emission. Molecular crystals and liquid crystals, vol.608, no.1, 273-281.

  14. Li, Xiaochuan, Son, Young-A. Spectral Switching of Naphthalimide-Coumarin Induced by F-. Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology, vol.15, no.7, 5370-5373.

  15. Li, Xiaochuan, Zhang, Junna, Son, Young-A. Ac2O/HCl Modulated Fluorescence On-Off Model Based on Arylmaleimide. Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology, vol.15, no.7, 5366-5369.

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  18. Zhang, Zhiyun, Chen, Chi‐Lin, Chen, Yi‐An, Wei, Yu‐Chen, Su, Jianhua, Tian, He, Chou, Pi‐Tai. Tuning the Conformation and Color of Conjugated Polyheterocyclic Skeletons by Installing ortho‐Methyl Groups. Angewandte Chemie. international edition, vol.57, no.31, 9880-9884.

  19. Li, Xiaochuan, Ji, Guangqian, Jung, Jae-Myung, Son, Young-A. A BODIPY based highly selective fluorescence turn-on sensor toward VIB and IIB metal ions. Molecular crystals and liquid crystals, vol.636, no.1, 159-167.

  20. Ulrich, Gilles, Goze, Christine, Guardigli, Massimo, Roda, Aldo, Ziessel, Raymond. Pyrromethene Dialkynyl Borane Complexes for “Cascatelle” Energy Transfer and Protein Labeling. Angewandte Chemie. international edition, vol.44, no.24, 3694-3698.

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  24. Frath, Denis, Massue, Julien, Ulrich, Gilles, Ziessel, Raymond. Luminescent Materials: Locking π‐Conjugated and Heterocyclic Ligands with Boron(III). Angewandte Chemie. international edition, vol.53, no.9, 2290-2310.

  25. Li, X., Son, Y.A.. Efficient luminescence from easily prepared fluorine-boron core complexes based on benzothiazole and benzoxazole. Dyes and pigments : an international journal, vol.107, 182-187.

  26. Chibani, Siwar, Charaf-Eddin, Azzam, Le Guennic, Boris, Jacquemin, Denis. Boranil and Related NBO Dyes: Insights From Theory. Journal of chemical theory and computation, vol.9, no.7, 3127-3135.

  27. Massue, Julien, Frath, Denis, Ulrich, Gilles, Retailleau, Pascal, Ziessel, Raymond. Synthesis of Luminescent 2-(2′-Hydroxyphenyl)benzoxazole (HBO) Borate Complexes. Organic letters, vol.14, no.1, 230-233.

  28. Li, Xiaochuan, Han, Yujie, Kim, Myeongjin, Son, Young-A. Absorption and emission investigation of boron-cored dye. Molecular crystals and liquid crystals, vol.659, no.1, 64-70.

  29. Sun, Lin, Zhang, Fan, Wang, Xinyang, Qiu, Feng, Xue, Minzhao, Tregnago, Giulia, Cacialli, Franco, Osella, Silvio, Beljonne, David, Feng, Xinliang. Geometric and Electronic Structures of Boron(III)‐Cored Dyes Tailored by Incorporation of Heteroatoms into Ligands. Chemistry, an Asian journal, vol.10, no.3, 709-714.

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