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[해외논문] LAKS-NVT: Provably Secure and Lightweight Authentication and Key Agreement Scheme Without Verification Table in Medical Internet of Things 원문보기

IEEE access : practical research, open solutions, v.8, 2020년, pp.119387 - 119404  

Park, Kisung (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Blockchain Technology Research Center, Daejeon, South Korea) ,  Noh, Sungkee (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Blockchain Technology Research Center, Daejeon, South Korea) ,  Lee, Hyunjin (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Blockchain Technology Research Center, Daejeon, South Korea) ,  Das, Ashok Kumar (International Institute of Information Technology, Center for Security, Theory, and Algorithmic Research, Hyderabad, India) ,  Kim, Myeonghyun (Kyungpook National University, School of Electronics Engineering, Daegu, South Korea) ,  Park, Youngho (Kyungpook National University, School of Electronics Engineering, Daegu, South Korea) ,  Wazid, Mohammad (Graphic Era Deemed to be University, Dehradun, India)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Wireless body area networks (WBANs) and wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are important concepts for the Internet of Things (IoT). They have been applied to various healthcare services to ensure that users can access convenient medical services by exchanging physiological data between user and medical...

참고문헌 (56)

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  3. Barman, Subhas, Das, Ashok Kumar, Samanta, Debasis, Chattopadhyay, Samiran, Rodrigues, Joel J. P. C., Park, Youngho. Provably Secure Multi-Server Authentication Protocol Using Fuzzy Commitment. IEEE access : practical research, open solutions, vol.6, 38578-38594.

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  9. Das, Ashok Kumar, Wazid, Mohammad, Kumar, Neeraj, Khan, Muhammad Khurram, Choo, Kim-Kwang Raymond, Park, YoungHo. Design of Secure and Lightweight Authentication Protocol for Wearable Devices Environment. IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics, vol.22, no.4, 1310-1322.

  10. Park, Kisung, Park, Youngho, Das, Ashok Kumar, Yu, Sungjin, Lee, Joonyoung, Park, Yohan. A Dynamic Privacy-Preserving Key Management Protocol for V2G in Social Internet of Things. IEEE access : practical research, open solutions, vol.7, 76812-76832.

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  18. Wazid, Mohammad, Das, Ashok Kumar, Kumari, Saru, Li, Xiong, Wu, Fan. Design of an efficient and provably secure anonymity preserving three‐factor user authentication and key agreement scheme for TMIS. Security and communication networks, vol.9, no.13, 1983-2001.

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  31. Chen, Ying, Ge, Yangming, Wang, Yerong, Zeng, Zhuang. An Improved Three-Factor User Authentication and Key Agreement Scheme for Wireless Medical Sensor Networks. IEEE access : practical research, open solutions, vol.7, 85440-85451.

  32. Li, Xiong, Peng, Jieyao, Niu, Jianwei, Wu, Fan, Liao, Junguo, Choo, Kim-Kwang Raymond. A Robust and Energy Efficient Authentication Protocol for Industrial Internet of Things. IEEE Internet of things journal : a joint publication of the IEEE Sensors Council, the IEEE Communications Society, the IEEE Computer Society, the IEEE Signal Processing Society, vol.5, no.3, 1606-1615.

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