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[해외논문] Single- and Multi-Frequency Direct Sampling Methods in a Limited-Aperture Inverse Scattering Problem 원문보기

IEEE access : practical research, open solutions, v.8, 2020년, pp.121637 - 121649  

Kang, Sangwoo (Chaire C2M, LTCI, Té) ,  Lambert, Marc (lé) ,  Ahn, Chi Young (com Paris, Palaiseau, France) ,  Ha, Taeyoung (Université) ,  Park, Won-Kwang (Paris-Saclay, CentraleSupé)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Although the direct sampling method (DSM) has demonstrated its feasibility and robustness for imaging of small inhomogeneities, mathematical analyses of DSM have been conducted only on the full-aperture inverse scattering problem. Numerous studies have shown that DSM can also be applied in the limit...

참고문헌 (71)

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  66. Kang, Sangwoo, Lambert, Marc, Park, Won-Kwang. Analysis and Improvement of Direct Sampling Method in the Monostatic Configuration. IEEE geoscience and remote sensing letters : a publication of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society, vol.16, no.11, 1721-1725.

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  70. Park, Won-Kwang, Lesselier, Dominique. MUSIC-type imaging of a thin penetrable inclusion from its multi-static response matrix. Inverse problems, vol.25, no.7, 075002-.

  71. Park, Won-Kwang, Lesselier, Dominique. Electromagnetic MUSIC-type imaging of perfectly conducting, arc-like cracks at single frequency. Journal of computational physics, vol.228, no.21, 8093-8111.


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