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[해외논문] Area-Efficient Series-Connected Resonant Tunneling Diode Pair as Binary Neuron in Cellular Neural Network

IEEE electron device letters : a publication of the IEEE Electron Devices Society, v.41 no.9, 2020년, pp.1308 - 1311  

Lee, Jongwon (National Nanofab Center (NNFC), Daejeon, South Korea) ,  Choi, Sunkyu (Chungnam National University, Daejeon, South Korea) ,  Kim, Seong-Yeon (SK Hynix, Icheon, South Korea) ,  Lee, Jooseok (Samsung Electronics Company Ltd., Suwon, South Korea) ,  Yang, Kyounghoon (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, South Korea)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this letter, we propose an area-efficient series-connected resonant tunneling diode pair device (SCRTD) to utilize as a binary neuron device in cellular neural networks (CNNs). The proposed SCRTD (P-SCRTD) consists of two RTDs interconnected by a floating metal layer with a high-doped epitaxial l...

참고문헌 (30)

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