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[해외논문] Accuracy Evaluation of Robotic Tonometry Pulse Sensor System Based on Radial Artery Pulse Wave Simulator 원문보기

IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement, v.69 no.10 pt.1, 2020년, pp.7646 - 7657  

Jun, Min-Ho (Future Medicine Division, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine (KIOM), Deajeon, South Korea) ,  Kim, Young-Min (Future Medicine Division, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine (KIOM), Deajeon, South Korea)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this article, a robotic applanation tonometry pulse sensor system has been developed to easily detect the pulse pressure index (PPI) using a pulse sensor array and reduce the position errors caused by manual operation when measuring the pulsation location of the subject’s wrist using a rob...

참고문헌 (32)

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