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[해외논문] Astrocyte‐Encapsulated Hydrogel Microfibers Enhance Neuronal Circuit Generation

Advanced healthcare materials, v.9 no.5, 2020년, pp.1901072 -   

Kim, Beom Jin (Center for Cell‐) ,  Choi, Ji Yu (Encapsulation Research Department of Chemistry KAIST Daejeon 34141 Korea) ,  Choi, Hyunwoo (Center for Cell‐) ,  Han, Sol (Encapsulation Research Department of Chemistry KAIST Daejeon 34141 Korea) ,  Seo, Jeongyeon (Center for Cell‐) ,  Kim, Jungnam (Encapsulation Research Department of Chemistry KAIST Daejeon 34141 Korea) ,  Joo, Sunghoon (Center for Cell‐) ,  Kim, Hyo Min (Encapsulation Research Department of Chemistry KAIST Daejeon 34141 Korea) ,  Oh, Chungik (Center for Cell‐) ,  Hong, Seungbum (Encapsulation Research Department of Chemistry KAIST Daejeon 34141 Korea) ,  Kim, Pilnam (Center for Cell‐) ,  Choi, Insung S. (Encapsulation Research Department of Chemistry KAIST Daejeon 34141 Korea)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractAstrocytes, the most representative glial cells in the brain, play a multitude of crucial functions for proper neuronal development and synaptic‐network formation, including neuroprotection as well as physical and chemical support. However, little attention has been paid, in the neuro...

참고문헌 (61)

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